Self-control may be the secret to success, according to a persuasive new study that followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32: children who showed early signs of self-mastery were not only less likely to have developed addictions or committed a crime by adulthood, but were also healthier and wealthier than their more impulsive peers.
Problems surfacing in adolescence, such as becoming a smoker or getting pregnant, accounted for about half of the bad outcomes associated with low self-control in childhood. Kids who scored low on such measures — for instance, becoming easily frustrated, lacking persistence in reaching goals or performing tasks, or having difficulty waiting their turn in line — were roughly three times more likely to wind up as poor, addicted, single parents or to have multiple health problems as adults, compared with children who behaved more conscientiously as early as age 3.
"This is a great study, mining a huge trove of data to tease apart the relationships among some really important factors that can determine the direction of our lives," says Martha Farah, director of the Center for Neuroscience and Society at the University of Pennsylvania. "It highlights how incredibly important self-control is."
Dr. Bruce Perry, professor of psychiatry at Northwestern University, agrees: "It's a very cool study. This is taken from data from what is probably the best long-term study in our field." (Disclosure: Perry and I have written two books together.)
The new research confirms the findings of the famous Stanford marshmallow study, which found that young children who were able resist grabbing a fluffy marshmallow placed in front of them — for 15 long minutes — in order to get two of them later scored an average of 210 points higher on the SAT than kids who couldn't wait. About one-third of the 4-to-6-year-olds studied were able to withstand the sweet temptation. As in the current research, the kids with more self-control in the marshmallow trial had better life outcomes across the board.
For the new study, the "Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study" whose results were published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers led by Duke University psychologist Terrie Moffit followed 1,000 children in New Zealand for more than three decades.
Moffitt and her colleagues measured children's self control on numerous occasions, getting behavior ratings from parents and teachers as well as from research staff who worked with the children. "All children have varying attention spans, and all get frustrated now and then," she says. "But our measures indicated that a child had low self-control only if the scores from different reporters and on different occasions all added up and pointed in the same direction."
By adulthood, children in the highest self-control group were significantly less likely to have multiple health problems (11%), compared with kids in the lowest self-control group (27%). They were also much less likely to have addictions to multiple substances (3% vs. 10%, respectively), says Moffitt.
Only 10% of kids with high self-control grew up to have low income — less than $20,000 per year — compared with 32% of their more impulsive peers. Forty-three percent of the least disciplined children had a criminal record by age 32, compared with just 13% of the most conscientious. And as adults, 58% of kids who had low self-control had become a single parent; this was true for only 26% of the high self-control group.
In previous research, researchers have found that impulsiveness and out-of-control behavior are more common in children who have experienced loss, trauma or violence — factors that tend to affect poorer kids more than rich ones. "If you have adverse experiences, that's going to turn up the stress response," says Perry, explaining that stress may affect the proper development of the frontal cortex in children's brains, which is responsible for self-control and for "putting the brakes" on the brain's lower brain regions. "If you have lower self-control, you'll have a harder time in school, you won't learn as efficiently, you're more likely to act on frustration, which means more social problems and you might end up with legal problems."
Although Moffit's study found some "concentration of low self-control children in homes with low income," the author says, the correlation was small. "There were plenty of well-to-do children with very low self-control."
In fact, poor children who scored best on measures of self-control were more likely than others to become wealthy in later life. "One interpretation of the findings is that children with high self-control who began life in low-income homes ended up as adults with higher incomes," says Moffitt.
Not surprisingly, many of the lapses in self-discipline that led to the worst life outcomes occurred during the teenage years: teens who had scored lowest in measures of self-control in early childhood were the most likely to make mistakes in the first place. And even those low self-control teens who managed to avoid smoking, pregnancy and alcohol or other drug problems, and stayed in school did worse later in life than their more disciplined peers. "This suggests that there might be a better return on investment from early childhood interventions," Moffitt says.
"Trial and error is a healthy part of teenage life," she adds. "But teens with good self-control engage in trial and error strategically, and they appreciate the difference between a useful learning experiment and real danger. I'm convinced that teenagers can be coached on this distinction."
Interventions aimed at improving self-control and behavior throughout childhood are now being studied, but so far, research has not identified a single best approach. The most effective programs are small and tightly focused on increasing self-control itself — as opposed to fighting bullying, drugs or other problem behaviors — according to Moffitt.
Intriguingly, about 7% of the children in Moffitt's study dramatically increased their own self-control over the course of the research, suggesting that such change is possible. But researchers don't know how or why this happened. "Perhaps some of them attended a school that stressed achievement and provided structure. Perhaps some of them experienced changes in family life, such as parents' changing marital status that brought more structure into the child's daily life. We don't really know," Moffitt says.
"We have deeply held cultural beliefs about self-control — the importance of thinking about the future, persisting with the chores of life — which show up in fables like 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' or 'The Tortoise and the Hare,'" says Farah. "This research shows that there is great wisdom there — delaying gratification and hanging in are aspects of self-control that bring great benefit."
That's probably welcome news to all those tiger mothers' ears. While tiger parenting may err when it veers into harshness, the evidence in favor of teaching the discipline of hard work and repeated practice only continues to grow.
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-16 20:28
标题: re:22楼沉静好,好久不见,黑眼睛也好吧?不...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-16 20:48
标题: re:以前没怎么读过于丹,后来方老师推荐,就情...
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-16 21:47
标题: re:看明白了,自制力就是对自己ABA。因为喜...
作者: blackeye
时间: 2011-2-16 22:02
标题: re:被马四爷点了名,就跟着沉静冒个泡。这个“...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-17 03:31
标题: re:黑老师给的“自制力”的定义很好,这样我们...
下面的问题是怎样培养孩子的自制力, 我先说第1点,其他的大家有空补充。
1 等。
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-17 03:36
标题: re:我等了这么久,QBB都没戒烟。老V给...
作者: 沉静
时间: 2011-2-17 12:47
标题: re:不白爹好,元宵节快乐。我去译言看了,没这...
不白爹好,元宵节快乐。我去译言看了,没这篇。学习之后只觉得很急很闹心,它阐述的都是我早就知道的,我想知道的它都不阐述——“but so far, research has not identified a single best approach”;“suggesting that such change is possible. But researchers don't know how or why this happened”。好容易提了一句The most effective programs are small and tightly focused on increasing self-control itself,又故意不说是怎样的program。真是急死人。末尾暗示的虎妈推术,又与上面那句警告“stress may affect the proper development of the frontal cortex in children's brains, which is responsible for self-control”互相矛盾。着实叫人为难呀。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-17 21:36
标题: re:谢谢沉静,很锐利,我看那段也有想知道的却...
3 吹。
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-17 22:30
标题: re:楼上自制力很好,说三年不写日记,就是不写...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-18 03:26
标题: re:不喜欢方法,偏说方法.来自NPR的报道:...
Self-control keeps us from eating a whole bag of chips or from running up the credit card. A new study says that self-control makes the difference between getting a good job or going to jail — and we learn it in preschool.
"Children who had the greatest self-control in primary school and preschool ages were most likely to have fewer health problems when they reached their 30s," says Terrie Moffitt, a professor of psychology at Duke University and King's College London.
Moffitt and a team of researchers studied a group of 1,000 people born in New Zealand in 1972 and 1973, tracking them from birth to age 32. The new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the best evidence yet on the payoff for learning self-discipline early on.
The researchers define self-control as having skills like conscientiousness, self-discipline and perseverance, as well as being able to consider the consequences of actions in making decisions.
The children who struggled with self-control as preschoolers were three times as likely to have problems as young adults. They were more prone to have a criminal record; more likely to be poor or have financial problems; and they were more likely to be single parents.
This study doesn't prove that the lack of self-control in childhood caused these problems, but the large size of the study, and the fact that it followed one group of people over many years, makes a good case for an effect.
Teaching Control
Economists and public health officials want to know whether teaching self-control could improve a population's physical and financial health and reduce crime. Three factors appear to be key to a person's success in life: intelligence, family's socioeconomic status and self-control. Moffitt's study found that self-control predicted adult success, even after accounting for the participants' differences in social status and IQ.
IQ and social status are hard to change. But Moffitt says there is evidence that self-control can be learned.
"Identical twins are not identical on self-control," she says. "That tells us that it is something they have learned, not something they have inherited."
Teaching self-control has become a big focus for early childhood education. At the Clara Barton Center for Children in Cabin John, Md., it starts with expecting a 4-year-old to hang up her coat without being asked.
Director Linda Owen says the children are expected to be responsible for a series of actions when they arrive at school each morning, without help from Mom and Dad. The children sign in, put away their lunches, hang up their own clothes, wash their hands before they can play, and then choose activities in the classroom.
"All those things help with self-management," Owen says.
Mediating Conflict
Of course, not all 4-year-olds are ready to manage that, so the classroom is loaded with cues and clues to help the preschoolers make their own decisions and be responsible.
Liya Pomfret and Rowan Miller demonstrate how they use the "solutions kit" to resolve conflicts.
Enlarge Maggie Starbard/NPR
A series of seven photos over the sink shows the correct sequence for hand washing. A "solutions kit" poster shows techniques the children can use to resolve disagreements themselves, like sharing or playing with another toy. The two teachers give the children multiple cues when it's time to clean up: Lights flash, a bell rings and the children clap and count to 100. That makes it easier to switch gears without a meltdown.
If a child has problems with self-management, the teachers make a customized "visual cue" card, with photos of the four play choices in the room, to make the decision easier.
And teachers Cathie Morton and Daniela Capbert don't just supervise — they're in the thick of the children's play so that when the inevitable conflicts arise, they can redirect the children into other activities or help them talk through their feelings.
When things do go wrong, there are consequences. Timeouts and apologies don't mean much to children at this age, Owen says, so the teachers try to match consequences to the deed. When one of the children accidentally knocks over a 2-foot-tall tower of blocks that several children had spent half the morning building, the teachers ask the builders what should happen next. "Help fix it," one boy says. And, with a little prompting from the adults, they all pitch in and rebuild.
Self-Control At Home
Parents can help their children learn self-control. Mary Alvord is a clinical psychologist in Silver Spring, Md., whose new book, Resilience Builder Program for Children and Adolescents, teaches self-control strategies. Take small steps, she says. For example, preschoolers can learn that they don't always get what they want immediately; they may need to wait for that treat.
"I call it Grandma's rule," Alvord says. "No dessert until you finish your dinner."
Parents can help teenagers learn self-control by making sure the family has clear rules for things like curfew or finishing homework before they have screen time. Teenager who have problems with impulsivity may benefit from special driving classes that let them practice controlling the car in difficult conditions on a racetrack. For all teens, clear rules such as curfews help them regulate themselves.
Though self-control can be improved throughout life, Moffitt says the earlier children can learn these skills of self-discipline and perseverance, the better. "The later you wait in life to try to learn self-control skills, the more problems you have to reverse and overcome."
All the more reason to start picking up blocks when you're very young.
作者: 沉静
时间: 2011-2-18 18:28
标题: re:我对那个special driving...
我对那个special driving classes有兴趣。其它的就太虚了,日常自理、规范和责任心,相信以琳的每个家长做得都要比上面说的多得多,也比nt孩子家长做得多得多。然而事实是我们孩子的自控能力依然比nt孩子差很多。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-18 20:19
标题: re:我自己对孩子自制力的培养是不够的,因为经...
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-18 22:13
标题: re:日常自理、规范和责任心,我家大都不如我家...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-19 11:09
标题: re:和楼上继续握手。你有点开始偏离你的同志们...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-19 11:15
标题: re:F版那边的葛莱美贴不知道为什么参与的人不...
F版那边的葛莱美贴不知道为什么参与的人不多,反正我这里是要继续折腾一阵子的,有些话题先移过来。比如那里老V问:Lady Gaga 和 Katy Perry 哪一个更性感? 不能马上告诉你。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-19 11:17
标题: re:翻页继续
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-19 11:17
标题: re:这个最性感。[flash]htt...
作者: 沉静
时间: 2011-2-19 15:35
标题: re:有个ASD小孩,教他同样的自理和规范,人...
作者: 浩浩爸
时间: 2011-2-19 16:29
标题: re:孩子的自制力确实需要好好的培养,可是光空...
作者: 沉静
时间: 2011-2-19 16:38
标题: re:楼主接着贴方法论。我这都是不学ABA的结...
我知道说的都是废话。无非是气不顺,好像我们孩子自制力差,是因为家长不懂得自我控制能力重要似的。看不上“it is something they have learned, not something they have inherited." 这样绝对的说法。learn当然都是后天learn的,包括各种社会能力,也都是后天学的,但是是用先天inherited的硬件——大脑,神经,来学的。先天硬件的不同,与后天学习环境的不同,各自对outcome的影响占比如何,不是is...is not句型能够表述的。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-19 19:32
标题: re:跟43楼这位妈妈也握一下手,我也是经常像...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-19 20:29
标题: re:下面展开一下29楼。 1 等 ...
1 等
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-19 22:47
标题: re:看来今天心情好,还是忍不住要写日记了。...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-20 08:50
标题: re:小萨这样讲讲是可以的,一来她不是这个家长...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-20 10:05
标题: re:接46楼1 等 2 接下...
1 等 2
要投进一个球还是不容易的,所以5分钟后他跟我要求不投了,要打棒球。就像1楼老润说的, 这小孩就是想要舒服的,因为他打棒球很简单,就是球放在一个支架上,啪的一下打出去就行。所以,不同意,让他等【9】,等他至少5次球碰篮框后才能打棒球。有了目标,小家伙精神抖擞很快把数字达到了。
作者: 方静
时间: 2011-2-20 12:43
标题: re:马丁看似在调侃,但事实上他为儿子所做的里...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-20 19:25
标题: re:谢谢方老师。你这么一说等, 那我就要开始...
谢谢方老师。你这么一说等, 那我就要开始吹了。我的意思是,展开32楼的第3点,吹。不过,都是些纯八卦的事情,下星期再吹吧。
作者: 秋爸爸
时间: 2011-2-21 10:28
标题: re:这个吹,方老师早就吹过了。当年让石头...
作者: 秋爸爸
时间: 2011-2-21 12:00
标题: re:等 = 瞪。使用“瞪”的关键,是...
等 = 瞪。
作者: niuniuma
时间: 2011-2-25 03:52
标题: re:这是不是亲自带孩子真是不一样。马丁还有Q...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-25 10:21
标题: re:谢谢NN妈的批评。我写贴跟发电报似的,习...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-27 13:14
标题: re:仰望树林曾经正气凛然地说过:你能想到的别...
Skill: Dealing With Wanting Something I Can’t Have
Often, young children are easily upset when their needs or wishes are not met immediately. Almost daily, children encounter many objects, toys, and activities that are attractive to them. Many times children do not know how to handle their frustration when told “no” or “later” by a caregiver. Also, there are times when young children do not understand that one child may or may not be allowed to do something because of their family’s religious beliefs or cultural background. In order to have positive experiences at home, in school, and in the
community, children need to learn skills to appropriately handle their feelings associated with wanting something that they cannot have. These skills will
increase children’s self-control and tolerance of others.
Teach children to use the following steps (see puppet activity below):
1. SAY, “I would like to (have) ____ but I can’t right now.”
2. THINK about your choices:
• Ask again later.
• Find something else to do.
• Ask to borrow it (if feasible).
• Ask to share it.
• Ask to do chores to earn money to buy one.
• Wait your turn.
• Accept that you are not allowed and say “I would like it, but that’s ok.”
3. ACT out your best choice.
Puppet Role Playing Activity
This activity helps young children learn how to identify one thing that they want and cannot have. They will talk about the feelings associated with not being able to have something they want. And, the children will review the possible choices of how to deal with wanting something that is not theirs.
Materials needed: Paper, crayons or markers, puppets
1. Have your child write or draw about a thing or activity he wishes he had or
could do.
2. Have a conversation with your child about what she wishes or wants and why.
3. Tell your child about something you wish you could have or do, and why.
4. Use puppets to play different roles in the following pretend situations:
• Your friend has one of the new action figures (e.g., Pokemon, G.I. Joe)
that you have been wishing to have for weeks.
• You want to play with your friend, but he has to go somewhere with his
family all day.
• A girl in your class who uses a wheelchair has a computer with a game you
love to play.
• Your brother just got a great bat and baseball for his birthday … just
like the one you want.
Ideas for discussion during role playing: Use these questions to help your child
think about appropriate choices and behaviors in the role plays above:
• How do you feel when you see that another child has what you would like to
• How would it feel if someone took one of your toys or things without your
• What can we do when we want to have someone else’s things? What are our
• What can we do when someone else is getting to do something we want to do?
What are our choices?
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-27 13:22
标题: re:如果大家打不开上面的那个pdf 链接,我...
如果大家打不开上面的那个pdf 链接,我可以把后面的内容再贴一下,不过格式肯定会乱。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-27 20:22
标题: re:下面贴段中文的,希望不要把方舟子方老师招...
【作 者】宋辉/杨丽珠
【作者简介】宋辉,杨丽珠,大连 辽宁师范大学 硕士研究生;博士生导师
【内容提要】自我控制对于人成功地适应社会相当重要,儿童期正是自我控制产生形成的重要时期。本文综述了儿童自我控制发展的四个方面的研究成果:(1)自我控制的结构;(2)自我控制的发生与发展;(3 )自我控制发展的影响因素;(4)自我控制与个性发展关系。 旨在为进一步研究儿童自我控制的发展提供借鉴,为培养儿童自我控制提供心理依据。
【关 键 词】自我控制/结构/发生与发展/影响因素/自我控制与个性
自我控制是心理能动性的重要表现,是心理的整体功能,它是多维度、多层次的心理活动系统。有人将自控能力分为外显行为的自控和内隐行为的自控。外显行为的自控包括对情绪的控制、坚持性、自制力和独立性四个因素;内隐行为的自控包括对动机的控制和自觉性两个因素(谢军,1994)。还有的研究者对涵盖自控含义的自我监控结构进行了较为细致的研究,把自我监控分为静态结构和动态结构;自我指向型和任务指向型自我监控;自我监控的一般——特殊结构;自我监控的微观——宏观结构;自我监控的隐密——外显结构;自我监控的发生结构(董奇等,1996)。Zimmerman提出自我监控“WHWW”结构, 认为自我具有动机自我监控、方法自我监控、结果自我监控和环境自我监控四维结构(Zimmerman,1994)。
自我控制发展的第一步是对机体自身动作运动的控制。普莱尔就儿童意志的发展对儿童出生以后如何发展对动作的有意抑制进行了描述。他强调了幼儿对动作有意抑制的发展与表象和观念的发展有关。儿童首先要学会停止、抑制某些行动,这对年幼儿童来讲并非易事。研究发现,让2~4岁儿童对某种信号不作反应比让其作出反应要困难得多(鲁利亚,1961)。实验者让儿童看到绿灯亮就挤压手中的橡皮球,红灯亮不要挤压,结果无论什么灯亮,儿童都倾向于挤压橡皮球,表明儿童抑制行动的能力不强。有人重复了这个实验,也证明幼儿在抑制行动上还存在困难。但同时也发现,儿童从三岁两个月到四岁十一个月,对行动的抑制能力有很大的进步(Mille,Shelton,Flavell,1970)。儿童自我控制能力的发展不仅包括对动作行为的简单抑制,还包括更进一步地根据需要调整自己的活动节奏和速度。儿童相对来说能快速地进行某种活动,但让其慢慢地进行活动却困难得多(Maccoby, 1980)。Ward 利用“慢画测验”和“慢走测验”追踪研究了儿童控制自己运动能力的发展,发现年幼儿童对自己运动速度的控制能力相当差,但又确实在不断进步(Ward, 1973)。
西方有关认知活动中的自我控制研究主要与人的认知活动方式相联系。Kagan等人在60 年代将人的认知方式用“冲动—熟虑”这一维度加以区分。他们设计了“匹配熟悉图形测验”,根据在一种不确定的认知情境中,是缺乏深思而轻率地作出反应还是经过深入地思考、审慎地作出反应,将人划分为冲动型和熟虑型。冲动型的人很快作出反应,错误率很高;熟虑型的人作出反应的时间相对较慢,但错误率低。冲动型的人在认知活动中缺乏自我控制,而熟虑型的人具有较好的认知控制能力。此外,儿童自我控制能力的提高可以通过成人对其自我概念施加影响而实现。如果成人帮助儿童在自我形象上确信自己是有耐心的,正直诚实的或其他自律的个体的话,那么便可以促进儿童自我控制能力的发展。
在儿童对自身情绪控制方面, 西方心理学家做了很多研究。 Mischel等人设计了“延迟满足”的实验,即为了得到以后更有价值的东西,愿意延缓立即得到的奖励。例如,让儿童在两者之间作一种选择:一种是立即可以得到的、但不太有吸引力的东西;另一种是须延缓一段时间才能得到的更有吸引力的东西。测验者认为选择立即要得到东西的儿童为缺乏自我控制力的儿童。有关“延迟满足”研究的结果主要有两点:(1)对于学前儿童, 抵制眼前奖励的诱惑而有耐心地等待是相当困难的;(2)学龄期儿童延迟满足的能力逐渐提高。10~12 岁的儿童表现出很强的等待延迟奖励的意愿。一般有自控能力的儿童和能延迟满足的儿童相对地比较成熟,有责任感,有较高的成就动机,即使在无人监督的情况下也能遵守规则(刘金花,1997)。
本文来源于CSSCI学术论文网:http://www.csscipaper.com/ 全文阅读链接:http://www.csscipaper.com/zhexue/xinlixuegailun/96992.html
如发现抄袭问题,请与thankstoYunLin 联系。
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-27 23:02
标题: re:我先把定义抄一遍:“自我控制是心理能动性...
作者: 语风妈妈
时间: 2011-2-27 23:04
标题: re:自制力培养的话题最近正好也非常关注,谢谢...
现在看来儿子可能比我好。前几天我打电话,小家伙自己搬个小板凳坐我旁边,问他想做什么,答: 妈妈我想等你打完电话后给你看样东西。把我给感动得,真想立马搁下电话去陪他。
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-27 23:08
标题: re:自制力方面,我得说我比NT一般水平做得好...
作者: 沉静
时间: 2011-2-28 06:06
标题: re:兴趣动机——兴趣动机强烈,除兴趣外其它动...
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-28 06:40
标题: re:不能说优良,只能说几乎没有自我愿望,和老...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-28 10:07
标题: re:奥斯卡颁奖。好多好多好好美丽的人。...
作者: 秋爸爸
时间: 2011-2-28 11:53
标题: re:借奥斯卡契机,拉个单子。我好久没看外国片...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-2-28 20:26
标题: re:我准备去看那个“总书记的重要讲话”,那么...
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-2-28 20:50
标题: re:家里没电视,信息严重滞后,赶紧下重要讲话...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-2 19:26
标题: re:我的理解力比较差,58楼这种论文看得有点...
我的理解力比较差,58楼这种论文看得有点云里雾里的,挺简单的一件事,为什么要说的那么复杂? 更偏好56楼一点,打算翻译一下,先做广告,以免有同好者重复劳动。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-3 10:53
标题: re:继续说马丁。下面这段转自黑眼睛,...
bobo yeah
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-3 11:08
标题: re:我主要是为了贴久安贝茨和鲍勃戴兰,关于他...
我主要是为了贴久安贝茨和鲍勃戴兰,关于他们的故事可见第 41楼或
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-11 06:36
标题: re:我安坐于此 电话的听筒拿在手里...
以上是前面贴的diamond and rust 的部分中文译文,当然是别人翻译的。我大概是10年前听过这首歌,好像是齐豫唱的。前阵子偶然找到了原唱,久安贝茨,也有叫穷辈雅的,英文名是 Joan Baez, 追踪看了下她的事迹,知道自己会忍不住跑题,所以早早地被移到这个版块。
久安20多岁的时候和bob Dylan 有过一段感情,大概两个人都过于出色了吧,2年后就分开了。这首歌写于分手后的10年,1975年,那时候久安34岁,刚刚和丈夫离婚。关于这首歌,两人间有如下的对话:
"You gonna sing that song about robin's eggs and diamonds?" Bob had asked me on the first day of rehearsals.
"Which one?"
"You know, that one about blue eyes and diamonds..."
"Oh", I said, "you must mean 'Diamonds And Rust', the song I wrote for my husband, David. I wrote it while he was in prison."
"For your husband?" Bob said.
"Yeah. Who did you think it was about?" I stonewalled.
"Oh, hey, what the **** do I know?"
"Never mind. Yeah, I'll sing it, if you like."
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-11 06:52
标题: re:虽然久安在唱歌方面有着“民谣皇后”的美誉...
虽然久安在唱歌方面有着“民谣皇后”的美誉,但让人印象最深的是她的革命生涯。她非常崇拜马丁.路德.金的思想和为人,很早就投入金领导的抗议运动。1963年进军华盛顿中,久安带领20万人共同唱了"We Shall Overcome"。她和bob dylan也是那时候结缘的。后来她还参加了反对越战,反对伊战,反对歧视同性恋,等等,是个骨子里的抗议者。她唯一支持过的一个总统是奥巴马。奥巴马入主白宫后,邀请她去演唱,她唱了那个著名的抗议歌曲"We Shall Overcome",让我不由遐想有朝一日侯德健去中南海唱歌的情景。
作者: thankstoyilin
时间: 2011-3-11 08:27
标题: re:呵呵,侯德健。巧了,昨天晚上从硬盘里翻出...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-14 20:59
标题: re:In Va. assault case,...
In Va. assault case, anxious parents recognize 'dark side of autism'
By Theresa Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 13, 2011; 12:30 AM
When a Stafford County jury this month found an autistic teenager guilty of assaulting a law enforcement officer and recommended that he spend 10 1/2 years in prison, a woman in the second row sobbed.
It wasn't the defendant's mother. She wouldn't cry until she reached her car. It was Teresa Champion.
Champion had sat through the trial for days and couldn't help drawing parallels between the defendant, Reginald "Neli" Latson, 19, and her son James, a 17-year-old with autism.
James might have said this, she thought. James might have done that. She had fresh bruises on her body that showed that James, too, had lost his temper to the point of violence.
"This is what we live with," said Champion, of Springfield. "When they go over the edge, there is no pulling back. "
The cause of autism - a complex developmental disability that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others - remains the subject of heated debate. What's not in dispute is the soaring number of children found to have the disorder. In 1985, autism had been diagnosed in one out of 2,500 people in the United States; now the rate is one in 110.
Champion said parents are just beginning to acknowledge what she calls the "dark side of autism," their children's capacity for aggression when they are frustrated, angry or overstimulated. Her son recently hit his attendant and attacked his father in front of a movie theater. Other parents describe scary episodes of biting, kicking and hitting.
It's not easy to talk about children lashing out, Champion said. But it's necessary because many are getting older and bigger and yearn for more independence, which leads to private struggles becoming public.
During Latson's three-day trial, no one disputed that he assaulted a Stafford deputy one morning in May. The deputy was bleeding so profusely that responding officers thought he had been shot.
But why Latson - who has Asperger's syndrome, a relatively mild form of autism - did it and whether he could have stopped himself played a central role in his defense and has engaged the sympathy of parents in the Washington region and beyond.
"Everyone is like, 'Oh my God, that is my son,' " said Ann Gibbons of the advocacy group Autism Speaks. She said the case calls attention to two crucial issues: "How do we protect the community, and how do we protect the impaired individual?"
"And in this case, we didn't protect either," she said.
Instead, a law enforcement officer with 33 years of experience ended his career early, and a teenager, who had committed no crime in the moments before he encountered the deputy, has spent about 10 months in custody.
Stafford prosecutor Eric Olsen maintains that Latson didn't assault the deputy because of his Asperger's but because of "his violent tendencies." But advocates for people with autism fear that Latson's case represents a scenario that will become increasingly common in years to come.
"It's not like the population is going down," said Scott Campbell, who has done more than 120 presentations for local agencies, including police departments, on how to deal with autistic children. "It's going up."
A violent struggle
On the morning of the confrontation, Latson's mother said, he slipped out of the house early to go to the library. But it was closed, so he sat on the grass.
What followed was a call to police about a suspicious black male, outside the library, wearing a hoodie and possibly carrying a gun. The call came, authorities said, after some children at the elementary school across the street became frightened and told a crossing guard.
The school was put on lockdown, a search ensued and deputy Thomas Calverley, 56, a school resource officer, spotted Latson walking out of a nearby wooded area.
"Hey, what's up, man?" Calverley said, according to his testimony.
The deputy approached. He squeezed the front pocket area of Latson's sweat shirt and lifted it to check for a gun. There was none. According to authorities, no gun was found, and the children, when questioned later, said they never saw one.
Calverley said he asked the teenager his name several times and, after the teen refused to give it, he grabbed Latson, told him that he was under arrest and bent him over the hood of a car. That's when the two started wrestling and fell to the ground.
At one point during the struggle, Calverley said, Latson flipped him hard onto his back, causing his head to hit the pavement. The teenager then hit him dozens of times and, at one point, took his pepper spray from him.
When it was over, Calverley had a one-inch cut on his head, numerous abrasions and a shattered ankle that required two plates and a dozen screws to repair.
Latson's attorneys didn't dispute what had happened. Instead, they presented an insanity defense in court. They said Latson - in whom intermittent explosive disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder had also been diagnosed - could not control his behavior because of an "irresistible impulse."
The issue resonates not only with parents but with police. Every year, the International Association of Chiefs of Police picks one major issue to address at a national summit. In 2010, it was improving police response to people with mental illness and such conditions as autism.
"It has been a huge and significant part of our conversation in the last couple of years," said John Firman, director of research for the organization.
Firman, who participates in the Big Brother program, has a "little brother" with Asperger's. He said that when he goes out with the youngster, he sometimes wonders, "If anything would happen here, how would police deal with him?"
Among the summit's recommendations, Firman said, were that all officers be trained in how to deal with such people and that police work closely with families and community organizations.
Latson's case, however, was not a matter of a law enforcement officer being untrained, the prosecutor said. "This deputy has a 33-year-old mentally retarded child," Olsen said. "So the deputy is very sensitive to dealing with children with disabilities. He's lived it every day for the last 33 years."
Pained parents
On March 4, the jury found Latson guilty of four charges, including assault of a law enforcement officer and wounding in the commission of a felony. On May 19, he is scheduled to appear before Stafford County Circuit Court Judge Charles Sharp, who can accept or reduce the jury's recommended sentence.
Last week, prosecutors tried Latson on a breaking-and-entering charge related to an incident in 2009. In that case, prosecutors said, Latson rang the doorbell at a teenager's home. When the teen opened the door, Latson hit him and followed him inside. Latson pleaded guilty to assault last year. On Thursday, he was found guilty of breaking and entering.
"I'm not here to try to paint a pretty story about my son," but he is not the violent individual that Stafford authorities have depicted, said Latson's mother, Lisa Alexander. "Neli is not a danger to society. He doesn't belong in jail. He belongs at home."
Holly Robinson Peete, a co-host of CBS's "The Talk" and mother of a 13-year-old boy with autism, said she has had nightmares about a boy sitting on a lawn with a hooded sweat shirt. "In my dream, the boy's face is my son's," said Peete, who, with her son's twin sister, has written a children's book, "My Brother Charlie," about a boy with autism. "I'm telling you: It haunts me."
And it haunts other parents, too.
Ann Worley of Springfield has a scar on her cheek where her son David bit her. When he was younger, David would take out his frustrations on himself, she said, but now he is 18, 6-foot-2 and 360 pounds, and he lashes outward.
"There was a time last September, I actually locked myself in the bathroom," Worley said. "I was scared. I thought I was going to have to call the police."
If she had, she said, she wonders what the officers would have done.
Worley followed Latson's case through Facebook and started prayer chains for him that stretched to Chicago and Michigan. When she read about the verdict, she said, she felt "sick."
"My David," she said, "could have done the same thing."
Juan Navarro of Waldorf has long been aware of the dangers of having children who are growing older and larger and craving independence they may not be ready for. After moving moved to Charles County five years ago, he took photos of his autistic sons, Omar, now 17, and Sebastian, now 25, to the police station so officers would know their faces.
But on a recent night, Navarro hesitated to call 911 when Sebastian, who has Asperger's, took off down the road. The Latson case was fresh in Navarro's mind. Yet there was his son, a young man, 5-foot-9, who recently couldn't stop talking about Harry Potter, running down a busy street in the dark.
He dialed.
作者: 冠飞
时间: 2011-3-17 00:46
标题: re:[QUOTE][B]下面引用由[U]马丁...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-17 07:03
标题: re:谢谢楼上的呼吁,还是大家都出力的好。否则...
这是最近美国弗吉尼亚州宣判的一个案子。被告人是一个19岁的黑人男孩,有艾森伯格的诊断。有一天上午他一个人去图书馆,图书馆关门了, 他就孤零零一个人坐在草坪上。这时候有一队小学生路过,有小孩被吓着了, 就有大人报案,说有个黑人男子兜里揣着枪在图书馆外晃悠。于是来了一个警察,搜了那孩子的身,没发现枪。警察问他好几次他的名字,孩子拒绝回答。于是警察把他推到警车前准备铐起来,这时候孩子情绪突然爆发,两人扭打起来。警察打不过,被揍得厉害。后来增援来了才把孩子制服。
作者: happyyue
时间: 2011-3-21 10:38
标题: re:这个要加为精华帖啊
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-24 09:44
标题: re:日本地震,利比亚战争,伊丽莎白.泰勒去世...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-3-29 08:27
标题: re:先做预告,这个周末结束本帖。66...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-4-3 10:03
标题: re:翻页继续。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-4-3 10:15
标题: re:下面简单介绍一下56楼,它是关于自制力培...
1 孩子想要东西不能马上得到怎么办?
2 教孩子懂得自我的情绪
3 孩子暴怒时应该怎么办?
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-4-3 10:32
标题: re:先说第一点,孩子想要东西不能马上得到怎么...
然后让他自己考虑可能的解决方案,比如(1)过段时间再要 (2)把这个东西借来用一下,然后还掉 (3)大家共用一下 (4)等待自己的轮次 (5)做点苦力挣钱去买 (6)阿Q一下,说:我知道我想要这个东西,但我不能马上得到,这很正常,没什么大不了的。
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-4-3 10:53
标题: re:第二点,关于情绪,也有叫感情的,有点长,...
第三点,关于愤怒时怎么办,首先,让孩子学会定位自己在愤怒状态(脸红,拳头紧握,眼泪在眼眶打转,等等);然后,从1默数到10;接下来,可以考虑对策(1)走开 (2)放松,深呼吸 (3)尽量用平静的声音告诉对手我生气了;最后,实施你的选择。
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-4-3 10:59
标题: re:理智的思路?恩,还是理科战胜文科...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-4-3 11:16
标题: re:楼上好,注意到了,你今天穿了件蓝衣服。...
作者: 马丁
时间: 2011-4-3 11:17
标题: re:下面展开第32楼,吹。 我这个年...
我这个年纪的人,没看过“阿甘正传”的恐怕不多。其中有这么一段场景,主持人说: Ladies and gentlemen, Bob Dylan! 然后大幕掀开,珍妮(阿甘儿时的玩伴及后来孩子的母亲)抱着吉他坐在那里,开始唱一首歌,唱着唱着,嘘声四起,仓惶下台,居然没穿衣服。
她唱的那首歌是bob dylan的blow in the wind
How many roads most a man walk down
Before you call him a man ?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand ?
Yes, how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned ?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
影片里用的是68-72楼提到的久安贝茨的原唱。前面几句都好解释,最后一句,the answer is blowin' in the wind, 常规的解释是:答案飘在风中。也就是说,没谱儿。我认为这种理解是不对的,结合我对儿童自制力的培养的体会,应该是:
作者: 燕原
时间: 2011-4-3 11:23
标题: re:我昨天穿的也是蓝衣服。楼上改文科...
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