昨天试了一个方法, 说一句话的时候故意把关键词不发音, 但动嘴唇, 这样他就会很有兴趣地看我的脸, 目光注视好极了, 比方说“would you like some ..." 嘴巴上做出snack的发音样子, 但不发音, 他大叫“snack!", 很高兴。作者: 小柯妈妈 时间: 2010-9-3 21:51 标题: re:写的很好,很精练。我最近也在看相关方面的... 写的很好,很精练。我最近也在看相关方面的资料,以后向你多学习。作者: 小城故事 时间: 2010-9-3 23:15 标题: re:谢小柯妈妈鼓励!From the... 谢小柯妈妈鼓励!
From the book "Relationshop Development Intervention with Young Children"
Many highly verbal children attend to much of the language directed at them, but are oblivious to the non-verbal communication that accompanies our words.... research tells us that over seventy percent of a speaker's intent is communicated through non-verbal channels.
4. 故事接龙, 他说一句“little ant goes back to home", 我接一句 ”the mommy ant says 'use the soap to wash your hands!'", 他再接上“little ant says 'no! I don't want to wash hands! My hands are clean!'", 两人都很愉快, 一个故事能持续20分钟.不知道这算不算RDI, 但的确他能感受到俩人的合作和情感交流, 能觉得两个人在一起做事比一个人好, 有趣。
You cannot just place a child with severe social deficits in the presence of a typical peer or in a normal social setting and assume he will gain the skills and motivation to be a friend.
the neural and cognitive foundations for dynamic intelligence are typically through the guidance of parents and close family members. This special type of learning relationship is referred to as guided participation.
The Guided Participation Relationship (GPR) is the cornerstone of parent-child functioning in every society on earth.