普通孩子的经验分享能力发育共分6个层次:Tuning In(birth)---谐调进入(出生以后), Learning to Dance(6 months)---学习舞蹈(6个月大), Improvising and Co-creating(12 months)---临时准备和共同创造(12个月大时即会), Sharing Outside worlds( 18 months)---分享外部世界(18个月), Discovering Inside Worlds(30 months)---发现内在世界(30个月), Binding Selves to others(48 months)----联系自身到他人.
我驻地附近就有一个家长的孩子(目前4岁半,经过一年的培训后,由原来的重症自闭,转变成边缘性的自闭倾向,据说,他预期再经半年干预,有望变成不自闭----据说是由自闭量表来测试的结果)。那个家长组织了一个做关系型发展干预的家长组织,每月都在他家聚会,探讨干预方法。这套放法是基于Dr. Steven E. Gutstein 一个心理学医生和他夫人 Rachell sheely(也是医生)研究和从医20多年来的成果所创立。他们还据此法在当地一个 学校正式推广其干预方法。据说我们这里的特教老师也很感兴趣用此法来教孩子。
一般地说,贵的学习此法的途径是先到做一个测试评估(relational development assessment---RDA)可以到他们那个中心 (在美国Houston, TX ---需一周,对孩子评估,录像讨论,家长有机会见识对你孩子的实地操作。-----估计较贵----我还没得到报价)做,也可找有那个中心培训证书授权的治疗师做(目前美国的人数都不多,如果国内机构能来人培训,国内的家长就方便了),以制定针对孩子个人特点的干预方案,并实地学习如何操作。(也有家长培训班,较贵1950美元4天,但他夫妇二人亲自教)。
便宜的方法有先认真学习他的两本书:1)Autism Aspergers: Solving the Relationship Puzzle--原里部分 ; 2) Relationship Development Intervention with young Children----具体操作1-3 层次--2-8岁孩子(雅马逊上有售: www.amazon.com, 我在 www.overstock.com 买的,更便宜,),[大孩子或大人, Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism]
RDI is a program designed to help children who have difficulties forming successful relationships in their world. Developed by Dr. Steven Gutstein and his wife, Dr. Rachelle Sheely, RDI is a program based on the building of the developmental skills that are needed to form relationships.
The typical child easily knows how to seek out another human being and how to enjoy their company. The child with Autism does not readily develop the ability to understand the ever changing facial expressions and gestures of other people. Children with Autism do not "learn to run alongside their partners, share their unique perceptions, or wonder about the differences of other people's minds" (Gutstein, p. xi). Instead of wanting to engage with the people in their world, they want to make their world fit into their limited understanding of it.
Children with Autism do not develop relationships that give feelings of safety, excitement, and novelty. Rather, social encounters are stressful and confusing. It is easier for them to engage with objects, computers, videos rather than people because those are predictable.
Often we try to teach the child with Autism social skills in a scripted way. When doing this, we miss out helping them understand the reason behind wanting to engage with others. They use their social scripts without understanding if it fits within the context of what they are doing or how to adjust to make a better fit. There is "an "out-of-synch" quality to their actions - a lack if timing" (p.xii). We end up teaching the child with Autism the superficial layers of social interactions and miss helping them feel the joy of being in a relationship.
There are children on the spectrum whom we see that have a more sophisticated array of social appropriate behaviors. They can make eye contact, they may even be able to read others' emotions. But they still lack the skills for a genuine, caring friendship with another child.
It is easy to teach a child Instrumental Interactions. These are social behaviors that are used to achieve a result; they have little to do with the person on the other end of the interaction. RDI attempts to teach Experience Sharing, the pleasure of the social encounter rather than just getting what you need.
Overview of the RDI Model
RDI is based on a developmental model.
It examines a child's level of development of experience sharing and tries to develop the areas not mastered.
It focuses on Experience Sharing. Social Skills training work within the realm of instrumental behaviors. Scripts are based upon "if/then" reasoning. Important to get by in the world, they fail in situations that demand flexibility and change.
Initial setting for intervention is purposefully artificial.
Distractions are eliminated to help focus on relationship discoveries.
Visual and auditory input is minimized.
Removing competing objects or input helps spotlight the social and emotional information we want to convey to the child.
Activities are highly structured as well as motivating to the child.
They offer emotion sharing and excitement.
They allow for gradual variation and introduction of novelty.
Parents are intensively trained to take the lead as they guide their child.
They learn to set clear limits, minimize distractions, and develop an "emotionally attuned" relationship.
Gradually, as the child is better able to assume more responsibility for maintaining the coordination of interactions, parents allow them to introduce variation and creativity into their encounters.
RDI gradually prepares children to move beyond their reliance on adults by introducing them to carefully matched and prepared peers. First in dyads, then into groups. Setting shifts as well, from therapy area to more natural world.
RDI takes practice at home with parents and eventually in other settings.
Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
RDI is a comprehensive, developmentally based program that helps foster development of social connections. It focuses on the development of necessary fundamental skills that help motivate and encourage the child with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome or other social difficulties to want and be successful at forming friendships.
RDI is a parent based intervention program. Individual parent training is provided in according with the child's developmental needs and supported through on going supervision. Dyads and small groups are available as the child becomes more competent and successful in relationship skills. RDI offers programming appropriate throughout the child's life span, offering more complex skill development as the child develops.
Initial Assessment and Program Planning (usually completed in a 3-4 week period)
* Review of questionnaires, rating scales, and a short video segment from home showing your child in play
* Initial consultation with therapist and parents only
* Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) with therapist and client(this tool is used prior to beginning treatment for research and progress purposes).
* RDA #1 (assessment) with therapist, client, and 1 parent
* RDA #2 (Hypothesis testing session) with therapist and client
* RDA #3 with therapist, client, and parents (used to show and teach parent(s)where and how to begin working with their child)
* Consultation with parents and therapist only
* Written treatment plan with recommendations for client and family to work on.
Total Cost: $850.00
During the final consultation session, discussion of the treatment program is given which will be overseen by a certified RDI consultant. This usually consists of weekly sessions where parent(s) demonstrate how they are targeting their child's RDI objectives through the assigned activities. Assistance is offered to best facilitate the RDI objectives. Parents will be completing RDI assignment sheets which are collected prior to each session to provide insight into implementation of the program throughout the week and examine areas of strength and difficulty in implementing the program. Updated activities will be introduced by the certified RDI provider with the child during the session and then practiced with the parent(s). RDA updates will be administered within the weekly sessions every 4-6 months to track progress.
Weekly ongoing support is available through e-mail contact.
Session Cost: $85.00/hour
On-Going Support:
* For those families who prefer to remain in contact via the use of videotapes, the following option is available:
* After the final consultation and the parents have begun to implement the suggested RDI program, RDI provider will view 12 consecutive videotapes sent every two weeks.
* E-mail feedback will be given.
* Ongoing activities will be provided as needed for that designated time period.
* E-mail support is available as needed.
On-Going Support Cost: $85.00/video
Dyads and Small Groups:
Dyads and small groups are available as the child shows competency in relationship development. Initially, RDI is practiced with one appropriately matched peer and supervised by a certified RDI provider. As the child develops, other similar peers are included to expand and strengthen the child's relationship development and peer group.
Dyads and Small Groups: $85.00/hour
RDI Requirements
In order to do RDI, parents initially need to have a room with low stimulation to work in. You also need 4-5 beanbag chairs. Other suggestions include mounting a video camera in the corner of the designated RDI room to decrease possible distractions. A wide angle or fish-eye lens is suggested as well.
Dr. G。 建议我们不能把生活搞太紧张了,要变慢,简化!他提出不是每周每天,每小时你都在巡连孩子就能达到目的。比如你这小时教了孩子说了一句话,也许下周他就忘光了。他反复提醒大家,你现在还能记住多少高中学的东西?要重质量,而非数量。当然,他也不反对其他针对有严重伴随性问题的治疗,如感统,语言,生活技能等。但他提出那些都没有触及自闭症的根本问题。(我希望他的真是:)我认为在目前自闭症原因不明的情况下,别的问题也要训练,因为你真不知哪朵云彩会下雨。)
对那些ABA, VB做了有些年头,而目前收效不大或想试着解决深层次问题的家长,我建议来做这个。Dr. G 不建议同时做VB。而认为会水到渠成。