其他的,是能力问题,但是我觉得行为干预也能改变。比如造句,作文,需要come up some idea的,很难下笔。大人看着也难下笔。因为,头脑里没有什么idea。也难为她了,平时就是大部分时间大脑在作repetitive运动,根本少有思考,哪里来idea呢?其实也不是一点也写不出来,比如用“酸”造句,其实就说“这个酸this is sour"就行了,她是有能力这样说的,但是她觉得这样太短了,不完美。她想作长句子,可是又不会,所以就不作。作文一样。觉得自己写不出那么长了,于是就一个字,一个字母也不写。
作者: binfeng2000 时间: 2010-1-13 05:31 标题: re:我有一个自己叫“skeleton wri... 我有一个自己叫“skeleton writing”的办法,就是他写不出来的时候,我替他写个框架,让他顺着我的意思填词,比如说,“酸”,"some read grapes are sweet, so they are not _______, some green grapes maybe be ________作者: niuniuma 时间: 2010-1-13 11:50 标题: re:"我小时候也一样,五个造句要花两个小时,... "我小时候也一样,五个造句要花两个小时,大人打骂利诱辅导都没用,后来总算十岁开窍了,不明白为啥,好像生理原因居多。"--燕原, 看到这段我都忍不住笑了。打骂利诱辅导我都做过的。两败俱伤。真的是生理原因,谁知道呢,我昨天还急得什么似的,要不然也不会觉得ABA忽然高大了许多。可是今天女儿又自己把作业做完了,造句都是自己造的,还不算短,我又瞠目了。我的那个著名的on and off逻辑电路又来了,为什么一天之隔,表现判若两人?
关于this is sour,barney电视上的小红帽故事有一段相关的。 原版一般是这样,狼把外婆吃了, 然后又吃了小红帽,因为吃得太饱, 睡着了。猎人乘机划开它肚子,把两人救出来,再装上石头,然后狼醒来,活活痛死了。这种情结显然血腥而且荒谬,所以barney进行了改编:狼想吃外婆,外婆跳出窗外推开门跑了;要吃小红帽,小红帽从篮子里取出柠檬派,狼咬了一口,说,this is sour,牙全倒了。作者: niuniuma 时间: 2010-1-24 06:02 标题: re:郭大夫的我当然看了,记住了刻板迷恋的,都... 郭大夫的我当然看了,记住了刻板迷恋的,都可以用来做强化物。
不试尝努力( do not consistently shows effort)
没有计划能力,(do no demonstrate organizational skills)
不能独立工作 (can't work independently)
别的不要求,比如计划独立,等,是天生的缺陷,但是这不试尝努力,是可改变的。可是,特教老师没有行为的背景,一天也只能每小时来班上看10分钟,怎么能让孩子至少做到要尽力? 孩子不努力,don't even show effort, 说明不感兴趣,累,可是有外在动力,应该要努力。否则她还以为她能理所当然的混混,逃避功课,还没有后果。这就是问题。
I just read 2nd quarter reports and nn got "unsatisfactory" on
consistently shows effort
meaningfully participates in classroom activities and discussions
completes tasks and assignments
demonstrates organizational skills
works independently
Among these, I think organizational skills might be something concrete enough to train. That can help her efficiency too.
The other most important thing is we have to address "consistently shows efforts". "She could not completes tasks and assignments" may reflect her abilities. but she has to have the willing and action of showing she tries her best.
We need to think of something as her reinforcer to motivate her trying best to complete tasks. At the end of day, if she is good, you/Ms. xx can give her reward for the day, that will be returned next day. (I saw a book "Balto" in her backpack, is it a reward for her? But it has been with us for a week, and Friday she forgot to return it along with another book in the book bag).
About hand wash, I think initially it was being afraid of germs, but now more of it is she uses it as a way to escape class work. Along with comments above, I think she already finds several ways to minimize her class work. For example, DLP takes her long time to finish, and it seems to be okay for teachers that she doesn't need to do any writings. She doesn't get any consequence (punishment) for not finishing her work. Specifically maybe she should do makeup writing for 3 out of 10 skipped writing tasks, so she knows she needs to do the writing one time or the other.
Can you estimate how many times she washes her hands per day, and perhaps we can ask her to do 1/3 of these numbers, if so, she will get a reward and positive comments.
Just my two cents. I may not have the best ideas. 作者: 燕原 时间: 2010-1-24 23:28 标题: re:逃课(心在逃)能逃出甜头,说明心智不算差... 逃课(心在逃)能逃出甜头,说明心智不算差,也不是坏事。
情绪是个重点,老师应当下功夫了。 如果情绪好了,动机也接着来了,我觉得就顺了。