在Adam请求Beth和他一去加州的时候,嗫嚅着说了第一句“you'er ..like a part of me...and I need you to..”,这一句一时间让Beth感到很期待,期待着他能继续说出内心的爱。但是接下去Adam说的是“(I need you) to find place to live and to learn how to work and...”,还是停留在Beth是他不可缺少的一个拐棍而已。所以Beth说“I can't go if you just can't go without me”,她应该是希望用另外的方式去帮助Adam成长。
在片子的最后,Adam对一群参观者流畅地介绍了多光源望远镜的工作原理,不同于以前滔滔不绝于专业陈述,他在最后说“But ..the best is just look up the night sky”这么一句富有诗意的话。
Beth寄给Adam的儿童读物新作的开头,这么写“Adam, his mother and his father were a family of talking racoons who lived in Central Park in the middle of New York City. They didn’t really belong there, but there they were.”
我不知道是否隐含着这样的意思:象Adam这样有别于常人的人,或许didn't really belong我们日常的社会,但是,there they were,既然在这儿生活着,就得设法继续生活下去。