儿子小时候曾被诊断为“Asperger Syndrome(mild)”(on the high function end of autism spectrum). 他两岁多才开始叫妈妈,4岁多才开始说完整的句子,婴儿时就非常安静,很少要我抱。一开始我以为我运气好,生了个特乖的孩子,但是后来慢慢发现他有点奇怪。他最喜欢的玩具是一个带响的球,每天反复转这个球和小推车的轮子。8个月大,最爱看“Wheel of Fortune”,如果换了频道,他就哭。他一直没有学会爬,一给他翻过身来,他的肚皮着地,手脚使劲往空中用劲。我长大一点后,发现他的手脚协调不灵,常常同手同脚地走路。两岁多的时候,意外发现他居然认识26个英文字母和不少的单字。慢慢长大点了后,我发现儿子有过目不忘的本领,订着地图看一会,就能报出里面很多小城市的名字,数学能力特强。突然之间说一些富有哲理的格言,等。他的小故事很多,这儿就不一一说了。可是他在学校里总是出麻烦。因为他的不合群,他不但没有朋友,而且常常是受欺负的主。他说,“老师说我是一颗寄居在小孩身体里面的很老的灵魂。”
接到大学通知那天,他拥抱了我(他很少主动拥抱别人),说,“妈妈,谢谢你。这世界上我最爱的人是你,我最佩服的人也是你。You are my hero!”听到这里,我泪如雨下,然后痛哭失声。眼前闪过,我生他后差点没有因大出血死掉,抱着2个多月的他在冰天雪地里走十多个街区送他去朋友家代为看管(baby sitter),在超市躲过枪击检了条命,他唯一击中的一个棒球,他打橄榄球回家后打满绷带的小腿,他接受武术黑带段位的笑容。。。
那天儿子在和奥巴马握手后,回来写道,“我也有一个梦,我的梦不是空想。我相信,只要我们不放弃,我们一定能做到”作者: LittleKoala 时间: 2008-9-11 11:53 标题: re:No magic pills. it i... No magic pills. it is all small work added together.
daily emotional support, understand and accept who he is, provide encouragement and hope, reminding him his strength instead of criticizing his weakness, etc.
Personally I think that playing team sports helped a lot. He was a "no hitter" in his baseball team and he qitted. Later he regret his decision. In high school He joined football team and stayed despite he couldn't catch the ball. Because he is very smart, the coach let him run the decoy route which significantly boosted his self-esteem. He practiced 10 years of martial arts, since it is not a team sports, it is easier for him. Martial art helped improving him body coordination.
whenever there is social opportunities, encourage him to participate at the level that he feel comfortable..
really no magic pills. If there is one, that is "love".
Good luck for your child and your family. 作者: 何子 时间: 2008-9-11 14:14 标题: re:很多细节就省略了。。。我很想看的... 很多细节就省略了。。。