对有些家庭来说,药物治疗则是一个别无选择的决定。凯伦修梅克(Karen Shoemaker)曾在「利他能如何拯救了我的孩子」(How Ritalin Saved My Child)一文中娓娓道来,自己如何从一个超级痛恨给孩子吃(任一种)药的母亲,在尝试各种治疗方法皆无成效后,最终不情愿的放下坚持。她发现她的 ADHD孩子在接受四周药物治疗后,居然开始结交朋友,也能安静地做作业,不再老是折断铅笔或是撞击墙壁。「我原本担心他会在药效之下变成一只小绵羊,或是丧失他的创造天份,」修梅克说,但这些事都没有发生,他只是不再那么无法克制自己。
许多研究也证实,药物控制与行为治疗双管齐下,是治疗 ADHD最有效的方法。国家精神健康协会(National Institute of Mental Health)于1999年底发表的注意力缺陷过动症多模式治疗(Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD)研究中更明确指出,长期的综合治疗 – 药物与行为,或单独药物治疗,都是比只有行为治疗或社群治疗还要有效的方法。
著有探讨ADHD系列丛书「分心不是我的错」(Driven to Distraction)的作者艾德华哈乐威(Dr. Edward M. Hallowell)也无奈地表示,「从25年前我首次听到这种疾病,至今仍然有不少人抱持怀疑态度,质疑这些孩子只是『需要一点教训』,或认为他们只是在为自己的懒惰行为找借口。」纵使已有无数研究肯定ADHD的生理与遗传因素,很多人依然不愿正视这种疾病。
但治疗ADHD最重要的因素,恐怕还是父母的配合与肯定。北卡大学(North Carolina)护理学院的助理教授罗宾拔雷特(Robin Bartlett)与蒙娜沙特尔(Mona M. Shattell),曾访谈16名幼时诊断出ADHD的大学生。这些受访者一致认同,父母亲的肯定减轻不少他们在课业上的挫折感,也帮助他们提升受创的自尊。一位受访者谈到自己曾崩溃的嚎啕大哭,她的母亲赶忙心疼的抱住她,不断向她道歉,「我真的不知道你感到这么痛苦。你没有跟别人不一样。在我的心目中,你是最可爱的宝贝。」虽然问题依然没有解决,但她感到自己受到重视。「尽管每天在学校里,我感到没人喜欢我,没人想搭理我。但回到家里,我终于可以做回我自己,我知道有人关心我。」
还是我那个意思,这种事情,别去看新闻报道。作者: 521 时间: 2008-9-6 08:38 标题: re:康康妈姆看了吗?我看了,孩子走过的地... 康康妈姆看了吗?
我看了,孩子走过的地方,没有什么东西是他弄不乱的,只要他在家,就一刻不停,一走路就蹦蹦跳跳的。跟电视里那个孩子挺象的,,,本来我就在怀疑他这方面的倾向,现在更要去看一看了。作者: chenchenma 时间: 2008-9-6 19:53 标题: re:我也看了,觉得我儿子跟那个好动的孩子也挺... 我也看了,觉得我儿子跟那个好动的孩子也挺象。可是该怎么办呢,能不能吃药?作者: 康康妈姆 时间: 2008-9-7 16:26 标题: re:这二天看了多动症的节目,我觉得我家康康还... 这二天看了多动症的节目,我觉得我家康康还好.我们自己还是认为康康只是有些爱动.
当然,这是我的想法吧 作者: xingdudu 时间: 2008-9-7 17:17 标题: re:我儿子的自我刺激行为很严重,一刻不停的抖... 我儿子的自我刺激行为很严重,一刻不停的抖手、跳,也能称为多动的表现吗?
哪位家长有关于药物治疗的ADHD的经验,欢迎赐教。作者: dinghy 时间: 2008-9-8 23:39 标题: re:The FDA asks that me... The FDA asks that medication guides note CV risks with ADHD drugs
February 27, 2007 | Yael Waknine
From Medscape Medical News—a professional news service of WebMD
Rockville, MD - On February 21, 2007, the FDA informed healthcare professionals regarding the development of new patient medication guides to be dispensed with all medications approved for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [1].
According to an FDA news release, ADHD is a condition that affects approximately 3% to 7% of school-aged children and about 4% of adults. The main symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity; individuals with ADHD may have difficulty in school, troubled relationships with family and peers, and low self-esteem.
The guides are intended to inform patients and their families/caregivers of potential CV and psychiatric risks associated with use of ADHD medications and to advise of precautions that can be taken, according to an alert sent from MedWatch, the FDA's safety information and adverse-event reporting program.
Information provided in the guides is consistent with the FDA class-labeling initiative of May 2006 to revise ADHD drug-safety labeling for healthcare professionals according to recommendations from the agency's Pediatric and Drug Safety and Risk Management advisory committees.
Each guide contains a black-box warning for patients regarding reports of sudden death associated with use of ADHD drugs at normal doses in children and adolescents with structural cardiac abnormalities or other serious heart conditions.
Serious CV events (eg, sudden death, stroke, and MI) have also occurred in adults with certain risk factors such as serious structural cardiac abnormalities, cardiomyopathy, serious heart rhythm abnormalities, and coronary artery disease.
Children, adolescents, and adults who are being considered for treatment with ADHD therapy are advised to work with their physician or other healthcare professional to develop a treatment plan that includes a careful health history and evaluation of current status as well as family history of related disorders.
Patients should report heart problems, defects, high blood pressure, or a history of these problems to their healthcare provider. Use of ADHD drugs is not recommended in patients with structural cardiac abnormalities, cardiomyopathy, serious heart rhythm abnormalities, coronary artery disease, or other serious heart problems.
The need for regular monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate during therapy is also explained. Although usual mean increases are modest (2 to 4 mm Hg and 3 to 6 bpm, respectively), some patients may experience excessive changes. Particular caution is advised when physicians are treating those with preexisting hypertension, heart failure, recent MI, or ventricular arrhythmia.
Patients are advised to contact their healthcare provider immediately for cardiac evaluation of symptoms suggestive of cardiac disease such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fainting.
The black box also warns that ADHD therapy can exacerbate symptoms of behavior disturbance and thought disorder in patients with preexisting psychiatric illness and explains the need for disclosure of current mental problems and family history of suicide, bipolar illness, or depression during the pretreatment screening process.
Findings from an FDA review of ADHD drugs are also provided, notably that use of ADHD drugs at normal doses in children and adolescents with no history of psychotic conditions has been linked to a slight increased risk (approximately one in 1000) for treatment-emergent psychotic/manic symptoms (eg, hallucinations, delusional thinking, and mania).
Patients are advised to contact their healthcare provider immediately for new or worsening mental behavior/thought problems, bipolar illness, or aggressive behavior/hostility. Children and teenagers may be at risk for new manic or psychotic symptoms, all of which should likewise be immediately reported.