
标题: 有用吗? [打印本页]

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-14 12:00
标题: 有用吗?


手册上常说的方法是这样的:把一个强化物放在不透明的盒子里,然后放在孩子眼前,引诱他问:这是什么(what is it?)。如果问了,给他强化物。

于是我拿了一个鞋盒,里面装了一块巧克力(解禁很久了),递到儿子眼前。他说:这是耐克的盒子耶。我开始晃盒子,并观察他的表情,如果他露出好奇,我将马上进行“零延迟辅助的无差错教学”。果然,他很好奇,我马上低声说:“说,这是什么?”他说:是汽车。 “你说,这---是----什---么---” 他不管不顾地接着猜:这是师傅(from kungfu panda)...




作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-14 12:04
标题: re:[COLOR=#3d11ee]Wha...

The teacher will bring in a paper bag with things the child likes inside the bag ...

**Present the child with a closed box with that has a reinforcer (candy works best) in it

Teacher will put a chair on the table while the child is engaged in another activity....
更多详细内容见niuniuma [U]23楼[/U]的中文翻译。

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-14 12:07
标题: re:[COLOR=#1111ee]HOW [...

Notes about teaching this mand: When teaching “how” mands, make sure the learner is physically able to perform the action required once the information is provided to them. If they are unable to physically perform the action themselves, the proper mand should be “help me” and not “how”.If the learner figures out “how” to do it before you show them, you cannot prompt the mand.

更多详细内容见[U]33 楼[/U]的中文翻译。

Give a peer a desired reinforcer and prompt "When can I have it?" or "When is it my turn?"
The teacher should say "After XXX is done with it".
Prompt peer to put it down (Reinforce peer for doing so) and teacher tells child "Now you can have it".
Place an empty bag of a highly preferred food on the table setting. Do not talk about the item, however have it sitting on the table while doing something in this setting with the child. When the child starts looking at the empty bag, prompt him to ask, “When can we get more XXXX?” Once the child echoes your prompt, tell him “After you XXXX” (The activity that the child should have to engage in prior to the manded activity should require only a short duration in time, so as to reinforce the mand).
**Place highly desired item on the table when the child mands for it, the teacher should say "Not right now" and prompt "When can I have it?".
Teacher says "After you XXXX".
Child does the activity and then gets the item
**Tell the child that you are going to take them for a fun ride in the wagon. Then pick up a book and begin reading it. When the child looks at you as if they want to go on a wagon ride, prompt
“When can we go?” Once they mand, tell them “As soon as you put your shoes on”. (Example provided by Charlene, Brick, NJ)
Bake cookies with the child and when the batter is ready, place it on the tray in the oven. When you see the child looking into the oven at the cookies, prompt him to ask “When will they be ready?” As soon as the child echoes your prompt, tell him the amount of time that the cookies have to bake for. (When first teaching this skill, you may want to teach this when there are only a few seconds left for the child to wait. You may also want to respond to the mand for “when” with “After you do XXXX” (This activity should be an activity that the child enjoys. Try to time the activity so that it is completed right at the time the cookies are finished baking).
Alternative example for example above: Wait until the cookies are finished baking and take them out of the oven. Sit them on the counter and do not draw any attention to the cookies. When you notice that the child is looking at the cookies as if he is wanting one, prompt to ask “When can I have a cookie?” Tell him, “After they cool for one more minute”. As soon as the one minute is up, tell the child that he can have a cookie. Bring photos of the child engaging in a fun activity or at a fun location (ex. McDonalds, the pet store, a friend’s home). While the child is looking at the pictures, prompt him to ask “When can we go back to the XXX?” The answer should be something that indicates a very short duration of time passing.
Child sees you packing their bag for the pool. Prompt, “When are we going to the pool?” Tell the child, “after you put your shoes on”. (Example provided by Amy from York, PA).
Before a visit from “out of town” family, look at pictures of their last visit with the child (as long as the child had an enjoyable time). Prompt the child to mand, “When is Grandpa coming again?” Then tell them, “Tomorrow” or “Right now! Let’s go pick them up from the airport!” (Example provided by Amy from York, PA)


http://www.marksundberg.com/files/Sundberg_et.al._Mand_for_info_2002.pdf  更多详细内容见[U]31 楼[/U]的中文翻译。

作者: LittleKoala    时间: 2008-7-14 12:13
标题: re:哈哈哈哈,老枪终于坐下开讲可,般个凳子坐...
作者: jiajunmei    时间: 2008-7-15 00:01
标题: re:嗯,有理,先看看这些英文,然后继续听枪兄...
作者: niuniuma    时间: 2008-7-15 10:43
标题: re:难道这就是传说中的VB的manding训...

作者: xubb    时间: 2008-7-15 12:35
标题: re:根据老枪的描述,孩子背后应该有个协助者,...
作者: katelam    时间: 2008-7-16 23:59
标题: re:脱了马甲亲自上阵了,好贴,可惜时机未到,...
作者: fyang    时间: 2008-7-17 05:07
标题: re:谢谢老枪,非常有用,收藏了。
作者: gmom    时间: 2008-7-17 08:05
标题: re:请教老枪,我儿子的问题是:who, wh...
请教老枪,我儿子的问题是:who, where, what用得很好,简单的why的问题也能回答,偶尔也能问一些why的问题。但是,why的问题和who,where, what比起来,问的就很少。怎样才能让孩子多问why呢?我儿子的why问题,总共也就只有不到10个,其中60%老妈不知道怎么回答。
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-17 08:23
标题: re:gmom,关于WH问题我自己刚刚起步,很...




找到问题的根源噪音,迅速把孩子曼德尔, “什么是噪音? ”治疗便可以
告诉孩子一些效果, “这是你的兄弟,他是打棒球(或一些
其他有趣的活动,儿童享有) 。让我们去发挥他“ (例如所提供的埃丽卡从
纽约, PA )的
作者: niuniuma    时间: 2008-7-17 11:17
标题: re:[QUOTE][b]下面引用由[u]gm...

请教老枪,我儿子的问题是:who, where, what用得很好,简单的why的问题也能回答,偶尔也能问一些why的问题。但是,why的问题和who,where, what比起来,问的就很少。怎样才...

who, where, what, which比较好学,why难一些,how又难一些,个人体会。以前我的孩子从不问why,我自己乱教她(那时候没有这个帖子),5岁才学会。后来她6岁了,虽然十万个为什么问的太多了,很多根本就没有什么为什么不为什么的(如为什么天高)。此时我又意识到她从来不问how。

作者: kwenma2    时间: 2008-7-17 11:54
标题: re:对于WHY(为什么),我们的经验是多从生...
对于WHY(为什么),我们的经验是多从生活中教他给他示范。从去年7月我们开始给他示范,一直到今年3-4月他才开始用WHY问问题。比如我们看见人下雨打伞,就会问儿子:“他们下雨时为什么要打伞呢?”如果儿子回答不出,大人就说:“因为他们怕衣服会打湿。” 这种灌输多了,他就会明白或者体会到什么时候该用WHY(为什么)来问问题了。

作者: gmom    时间: 2008-7-17 13:44
标题: re:以琳今天太难上了,先在这儿冒个泡。我儿子...

我儿子不爱问why, 和他不爱看书一样让人头疼。他会用why,也会回答简单的why, 例如: Why he is sad? why she is crying? 但是,更本没有niuniu的十万个为什么。这次让外婆从北京买了儿童版的十万个为什么的DVD,先学学看。

对于how, 我认为分成两个部分。一个是,对于状态的提问. 例如:How is your back? How is your sister? 另一个则是排序,怎样做.例如:How to make a burger?我儿子中文第一类有时候能问。 前2天,我抱怨陪他坐小凳子腰疼,小子作出一付怜悯样,问我:“你的背怎么了?好疼哦。你病病了,要看医生。“ 第2类,小子可以回答间单的how to的问题,但不会提问。我认为How to最难教。我家ABA现在教when, 还没有教why和how, 到时候我再上来补充。

作者: 女儿是天使    时间: 2008-7-17 15:05
标题: re:先收藏了。
作者: kwenma2    时间: 2008-7-17 22:45
标题: re:[QUOTE][b]下面引用由[u]gm...


我儿子不爱问why, 和他不爱看书一样让人头疼。他会用why,也会回答简单的why, 例...

作者: jinglenn    时间: 2008-7-18 20:32
标题: re:通过cause and effect的训...
通过cause and effect的训练,可能会对WHY问题的训练有所帮助吧。
作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-7-22 02:16
标题: re:Who ? 主席!When...
Who ?

When ?

作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-7-22 14:02
标题: re:另一个教提问的VB小册子,大同小异,老枪...

Teaching the Child to Ask Questions

Pre-requisite Skills 孩子需具备的能力:

The child should be requesting (manding) a large number of objects and actions.  Some people prefer to wait until the child is also able to label (tact) adjectives and prepositions as well as waiting until the child is using sentences to request (mand).  Others have had success with using the teaching procedures involved in teaching the child to ask questions (mands for information) to teach the child prepositions and adjectives because doing so may increase the child’s motivation (EO) for using the adjectives and prepositions in a functional manner.  It is probably most important to determine the child’s ability to discriminate the conditions under which questions (mands for information) are appropriate and then use whichever sequence of teaching skills the individual child responds to best.  If it is decided to teach the child to ask questions and discrimination errors begin to occur, try to teach the child to discriminate the relevant context.  If you are unsuccessful, hold off on teaching the child to ask questions (mands for information) while other necessary skills are taught.

Why do People Ask Questions? 人为什么要提问?
The primary function of asking questions is to obtain desired information.  Of course, as adults, we have also learned that it’s polite and reinforcing to our friends to ask certain questions (i.e. “How are you doing?” “How was your vacation?”). If we are interested and enjoy (are reinforced by) our interactions with the person we are talking to or the topic of discussion, the questions serve to maintain or continue the conversation.   
When typically developing children are first learning to ask questions “dat?” is often the first question used. One explanation of this behavior is that the child is requesting information.  The child wants to learn and is interested in the environment.  If this is the case, then in behavioral terms it means that words have become reinforcing to the child.  Another behavioral explanation may be that the person the child is saying “dat?” in the presence of has become a conditioned reinforcer and the child is requesting (“manding” for) the attention of the person.  This happens after a long learning history of that person being paired with reinforcement and reinforcement occurring whenever the child says “dat?” in the presence of the person.

Is my child/student already requesting information?

Remember that when determining the maintaining reinforcer for any given behavior, we have to look at what the specific child enjoys.  Children might appear to be “manding for information” by pointing to, or touching an object/picture without looking at the adult present.  This behavior has a history of being reinforced (maintained) by the adult present saying the name of the item touched.   
For example, one child was highly reinforced by letters or numbers and pointed to them frequently.  Whenever the child pointed, the adult said the name of the letter or number.  The child could receptively identify (touch/get/point) to the letters and numbers when asked but was non-verbal.  His only way of manding for objects was to pull his parents to the desired object or typical location of the activity he desired. Rather than “manding for information” the parents had become the child’s personal “V-Tech” toy! (One of his favorite “stimmy toys.)  While this did serve to pair the parents with reinforcement which is a desirable goal in and of itself, we wouldn’t want to do this in exclusion of teaching the child how to request specific objects or actions using other forms of communication.
For this particular child, we were successful in teaching a couple of skills with the behaviors he was already exhibiting (touching) and using his desire (EO) to hear someone say letters and numbers.  First, we began the activity in the way the child had been previously taught (child points/adult says).   
Then we started waiting a few seconds until the child turned and looked at the adult before saying the name of the number. Soon the child was making eye contact as he pointed.  Next, we wrote the numbers on small cards and taught the child to hand us the number he wanted us to say (Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). We taught the child the skill of giving someone a picture of what he wanted to obtain what he wants (reinforcer).  Later, when not specifically engaged in the activity, the child would take the picture to the parent.  When he did so, the parent got out the letters/numbers, and played with the child using them.  This skill was more functional because the child could request the specific game or activity using the picture whereas before he was only able to request a specific behavior of his parents if the letters or numbers were present.   The child also generalized this skill (PECS) to requesting other toys, foods and activities that he desired. We also used the reinforcing value of letters paired with blocks, puzzles and songs to pair those activities with reinforcement (create new conditioned reinforcers).
It’s also important to recognize that even if the child is saying words that sound like questions, we have to determine the reinforcer that’s maintaining before we can determine if the child is requesting information or requesting a specific object or activity.  For example, a highly echoic child might ask, “Do you want to watch TV?”  when he doesn’t really care much if YOU want to or not!  The function of this question is to communicate, “I want to watch TV”.  It’s easy to see how this might happen.  The “learning history” in this case might be that whenever the child wants to (has an EO) for watching TV, he drags is mom to the television set and puts her hand on the button.  Right before turning on the TV she asks her child, “Do you want to watch TV?”  The child echoes, “Do you want to watch TV?” and the TV is turned on.  The behavior of saying “Do you want to watch TV” has been reinforced multiple times.  The problem is, the child is using the incorrect “form” for the function!  Instead, the parent was taught to prompt with “I want to watch…”. The child filled in “TV”, and then the TV was turned on.  The child was not yet echoing isolated words under “instructional control” or on a consistent basis but he typically filled-in words from his favorite songs so we knew this would be a more successful way of getting the “behavior” of saying “TV” so we could reinforce it.  In this case, we didn’t want to prompt the child to say, “I want to watch TV” until we taught him to use isolated words for a variety of functions because of his strong echoic history.  We did eventually prompt him to use many different sentences, (i.e. “I want to watch TV”, “Turn on the TV”, “Let’s watch some TV” etc.) to get the TV on but only after he was able to label a large number of items in response to “What’s this?” and was also doing so spontaneously to gain our attention.  Using the sentence, “I want to watch TV”, was then important because the listener could not always determine if he said the word because he wanted it or was just labeling it to get our attention.
Other children often ask questions that are not serving the purpose of gaining information.  For example, they may ask, “Where’s my ball?” when the ball is sitting in front of them.  This often happens because the child has been reinforced for saying the words that sound like questions by receiving the desired item, even when it’s visible.  Or, the child may have been taught to ask questions through imitative activities that did not include the appropriate reinforcer (getting information you don’t know).  For example, perhaps the child was reinforced for saying “Who’s that?” while looking at pictures of familiar family members in a photo album.  If the child can label (tact) the people in the album he doesn’t need the information that ‘Who’s that?” should be used to obtain. Whenever this type of learning history has occurred, it is best to prompt the correct words to use in the context and then reinforce, providing multiple opportunities to practice and fading prompts and at the same time, teach the appropriate conditions so the child is able to discriminate between the two.  For example, for the child above, one might prompt (echoic and putting child’s finger on the picture), “Look, there’s daddy!”, “That’s grandma!” etc. and fade the prompts.  At the same time, teach him to ask “Who” questions under the condition that he needs the information as described below.

作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-7-22 14:18
标题: re:[B]How do I teach th...
How do I teach the child to ask questions under the appropriate conditions?

First, consider the "information" that would reinforce the specific question form:
1. "Can" obtains information about the ability of an object or person to engage in a specific activity. The response is typically "yes" or "no".  Example:
"Can donkeys fly?"
2. "Can I" / "May I" obtains permission to engage in a desired activity or get a desired object. (While it's "grammatically incorrect" to use "can" under this condition, it is so widely used in our society for this function that it is considered appropriate so long as the family commonly uses the question form under this condition.)  Example:
"Can I go outside?"
"May I have a cookie?"
3. "Will" / "Would"  / "Could" / "Would you mind?" obtains information about the ability, willingness or likelihood of another person engaging in a specific activity. (combined with "you" if you're talking to the person you want to engage in the activity, "he, she" if the person is present but you're not talking to them and the specific name of the person if the person is not present.)  Example:
"Will Grandma pick me up?" "Would you help me with this puzzle?" "Could you get my shoes?" "Would you mind taking out the garbage?" "Will he take my truck?" "Will Daddy go to work today?" "Would Mrs. Smith take me to the park with her?"
4. "What / What's that?" obtains information about the label (tact) of an object. Example:
"What's in the bag?" "What's that?" (pointing to an unknown object/picture) )
5. "What kind?" obtains information specific to an attribute of an object or indicates more "specificity" is required. Example:   
Instructor: "I got a new dog!"
STUDENT: "What kind?"Instructor:  "A Boxer."
"What kind of chips do you want?"
6. "Who?" obtains information about the label (tact) of a person.  Example:  
"Who's that?" (new kid in class)  "Who took my truck?"
Mom:  "Someone's coming over today!"
STUDENT:  "Who?"
7. "Where?" obtains information regarding the location of an object, person, or activity.   Example:   
"Where's mommy?" (mommy not present)  "Where are my shoes?" (shoes not present)   "Where are we going?"
8. "When?" obtains information regarding some measurement of time.  Example
"When can I have lunch?" "When are you leaving for vacation?" "When can we get together?"
9. "Why?" obtains information about the reason something is occurring or has occurred.  Example:
"Why are you wearing a purse on your head?" "Why did you hit me?"   "Why is he talking so loud?"
10. "Which one?" obtains clarification about two or more items.  Example:  
Dad: "Can I have a cookie?" (3 present)   
STUDENT: "Which one?"
11. "How?" obtains information about a procedure or process of completing something.  Example:   
"How do you open this?"
"How does this work?"
12. "Do / Did / Does?"  Combined with pronouns or specific names to obtain information about preferences, common activities or past events.  Example:
"Did you get some crackers?""Do you like puzzles?""Does grandma like Thomas videos?"
The next step is to determine how we can make receiving the information valuable (reinforcing) to the child. This is an important element of the teaching process because, while we can teach a child to "ask" questions, if the child is not reinforced by the information received, it is unlikely that he will engage in this behavior spontaneously!  In other words, we can teach him to ask but we also must teach him to "care about" getting the information.  This can be done by pairing the receipt of the information with an established reinforcer.   Once getting information has a long history or being paired with reinforcement, the likelihood that future questions will be asked is increased. The author typically teaches single "question words" at first to be sure they are taught as the "important word" (discriminative stimulus) for a specific response or specific type of information.  Then, multiple questions containing each specific question form can be taught. Example teaching procedures are as follows:


("Thomas" books are highly reinforcing to the child and are out of sight)  
Instructor: "I have something for you! Say, 'What'"
STUDENT: "What?"   
Instructor: "A new Thomas book!"
(Note: The child should already have been taught to respond by echoing whatever follows "say" in an instruction. If the child has difficulty discriminating the requirement of the "echoic" response from responding to the question itself, it is often helpful to have them echo some others words first to "build momentum" then the question word. Ex:
Instructor: "Say 'house'" STUDENT: "house"   Instructor: "Say 'baby'." STUDENT: "baby" Instructor: "Say 'what'." STUDENT: "What"
(Reinforcing item is placed in an opaque bag)   
Instructor: (points to the bag)  "Say, 'What's that?'"   
STUDENT: " What's that?"  Instructor: "It's your top! Come on, let's play!" (Child is reaching toward zipped up bag containing a reinforcer)  
Instructor: "Say, 'What's in the bag?'"   
STUDENT: "What's in the bag?"
Instructor: "A new video for us to watch!  Come on!"
Once the question has been paired with reinforcement sufficiently, teach the child to ask for information regarding labels (tacts) he does not know.   
Instructor: (looking at a book about Sea Animals containing many tacts the child has previously acquired but some he has not yet been taught.)
Instructor: "What's that?"   
STUDENT: "whale"
Instructor: (Points to other animals the child knows but doesn't ask "What's that?" to fade the question prompt for the labels (tacts).
STUDENT: "Shark Octopus "
Instructor: (Points to an unknown item and immediately prompts), "Say 'What's that?'"
STUDENT: "What's that?"   
Instructor: "It's a sea lion."  (Depending on the particular child, the reinforcement for engaging in this behavior (i.e. asking the question) might be receiving the information (if he enjoys sea animals) or can be paired with social reinforcement such as '"Wow! You're learning lots of sea animals!"
Social praise has become a conditioned reinforcer or can be paired with a decrease in demands (just reading and enjoying the rest of the book together), or another reinforcer (such as getting a toy sea lion to give him after he asks the question if he enjoys playing with sea creatures).


(Planned arrival of a number of people who have been paired with reinforcement)   
Instructor: "Someone's at the door! Say, 'Who'"
STUDENT: "Who"   
Instructor: (opens the door)  "It's grandma!"  (repeat with other "favorite" people)
(Have different people take turns hiding under a blanket/sheet, out of view of child) Instructor: "Look! There's someone under the blanket!  Say, 'Who?'"   
STUDENT: "Who?"   
Instructor: (Says the name of the person as they "pop out" from under the blanket.)
Instructor: "Somebody likes to give you kisses!  Say, 'Who?'"
STUDENT: "Who?"  
Instructor: "Me!"  (showers the child with kisses)
(arrange for reinforcing people to call on the phone)   
Instructor: "There's someone on the phone for you!  Say, 'Who is it?'"
STUDENT:  "Who is it?"
Instructor: "It's Daddy!  Daddy wants to talk to you!"
(looking through photo album)
Instructor: "Who's that?"
STUDENT: "Mommy."
Instructor: (Continues pointing to pictures then point's to someone the child doesn't know)   
Instructor: "Say, 'Who's that?'"
STUDENT: "Who's that?"   
Instructor: "Bill." (also provide social or tangible reinforcement for asking the question.)
(Woody is a strong reinforcer)  
Instructor: "I know where Woody is!  Say, 'Where?'"
STUDENT: "Where?"   
Instructor: "He's under the couch!"  (helps child locate if necessary)
Once "what" is mastered, combine with "Where".   
Instructor: "I have something for you!"   
STUDENT: "What is it?"
Instructor: "A new ball!  Say, 'Where is it?'"
STUDENT: "Where is it?"   
Instructor: "It's in this bag!"   
STUDENT: (gets ball out)
Once the child is manding "Where" in contrived situations appropriately in response to specific SDs, teach him to mand "Where" combined with the object label to request missing items.
(playing with ball castle- Instructor hides the ball in different locations around the room)  Instructor: (calls attention to empty basket where the ball is usually kept) Say, 'Where's the ball?'"
STUDENT: "Where's the ball?"   
Instructor: "It's under the box."
(Give cereal without a spoon.)
Instructor: "Say, 'Where's my spoon?'"
STUDENT: "Where's my spoon?"
Instructor: "It's in the drawer.  Let's go get it!"   
(The child should be consistently manding for missing items.  Be sure to continue reinforcing the mand for the item (i.e. I need a spoon) intermittently.  It may be necessary to also hide a primary reinforcer with the spoon to make up for the delayed reinforcement to getting the spoon.)


(Instructor and child working on a "non-preferred" activity)   
Instructor: "We have to stop working now.  Say, 'Why'"   
STUDENT:  "Why?"
Instructor: "Because we're going to the park!" (a highly preferred activity)
(child watching a "less preferred" video.  Instructor comes in and turns it off)   
Instructor: "Say, 'Why did you turn off the video?'"   
STUDENT: "Why did you turn off the video?"   
Instructor: "So we can watch this new Dora video!" (a "more preferred video)
(instructor wears a clown nose into session)   
Instructor: "Say, 'Why are you wearing that nose?'"   
STUDENT: "Why are you wearing that nose?"   
Instructor: "Because we're going to play with the circus today!" (one of child's favorite activities)
Which/ Which One?
Instructor: "One of these candies is for you!  Say, 'Which One?'"
STUDENT: "Which one?"   
Instructor: "The orange candy.' (child's favorite color)
Instructor: (holding out two hands, fisted)  "I have a piece of candy in my hand!  Say, 'Which one?'"
STUDENT: "Which one?"   
Instructor: "This one!" (opens hand and gives candy to child)  
(Can also teach the child to mand specifically for "Which hand?")
Instructor: (two boxes present- One containing Woody)  "Woody is in a box.  Say, 'Which box?   
STUDENT: "Which box?"   
Instructor: "The shiny box."
Once he's using the question form consistently; teach him to mand for information to clarify a request.   
Instructor: (Two balloons present) "Hand me a balloon.  Say, 'Which one?'"   STUDENT: "Which one?"   
Instructor: "The long one."  
STUDENT:  (Gives balloon to instructor and instructor blows it up and plays with the child.)
When child has mastered asking "What?" and "Where?" questions, combine with "Which one?"   
Instructor: "I have something for you!"   
STUDENT:  "What?" Instructor: "A squishy ball!"   
STUDENT: "Where is it?"   
Instructor: "In the bag. (2 bags present) Say, 'Which one?'"  
STUDENT: "Which one?"   Instructor: "The large bag."
Instructor: "I have someone's candy!  Say 'Whose?'" STUDENT: "Whose?" Instructor: "It's yours!"  (gives the candy)
Instructor: (Lays candy in front of child)  "Say, 'Whose candy?'"   
STUDENT:  "Whose candy?" Instructor: "It's yours!"
Once the child is regularly asking "Whose?" with no prompting, mix in trials that the candy belongs to someone else intermittently.   
(candy laying in front of child)   
STUDENT:  "Whose candy?" Instructor: "It's Mommy's." (Mommy takes the candy)   


STUDENT: "Can I have a cookie?"  Instructor: "Not right now. Say, 'When'"   STUDENT: "When?" Instructor: "As soon as we wash our hands!"  (Make sure initial "waiting time" is very short!)
Instructor: "We're going to the park! Say, 'When?'" STUDENT: "When?"   Instructor: "As soon as we finish this book!"
After "Where" questions are mastered, mix in "When".
Instructor:  "We're going someplace special today!"   
STUDENT: "Where are we going?"
Instructor: "To the zoo!  Say, 'When are we going to the zoo?'"   
STUDENT: "When are we going to the zoo?" (child's favorite place)   
Instructor: "Right after lunch!" (Do this while you're eating lunch, not right after breakfast!)


Instructor: (has a new toy that is hard to run) "I know how to turn this on.  Say 'How?'"   STUDENT:  "How?"
Instructor: "Like this!" (Turn on but hide the "secret" from the child so you can get a few trials in!)
After no prompting is needed, just prompt the child to say, "How do you turn it on?", and demonstrate.
Instructor: (Has a container with a new fastener and a reinforcer inside.  Gives container to child.)
Instructor:  "Say, 'How do you open it?'"  
STUDENT: "How do you open it?"  
Instructor: "You have to turn it this way."  (opens and gives child the reinforcer.)


(Child enjoys watching the instructor do silly things and regularly gives "contingent comments" with no prompting.)
Instructor:  "Let's play a game!  Can you do this?"  (does something silly for child to imitate)
STUDENT: "Yes I can!" (Imitates)   
Instructor: "That's silly! Now it's your turn."
STUDENT: "Can you do this?"  (performs a silly behavior for instructor to imitate)  Instructor:  "Yes, I can!" (Or, "No, I can't!"  if appropriate!)

Do / Does

Instructor: "We can go outside if everyone wants to.  Say, 'Do you want to go outside?'" (directing child to ask another child in the group of 3.)   
STUDENT: "Do you want to go outside?"  (continue with other children, hoping all will say yes!)
Instructor: "You can play ball if you find someone to play with.  Say, 'Do you want to play ball?'" (directing the child to approach another person)
STUDENT: "Do you want to play ball?"  (continue until you find someone that says, "yes")
These are just examples of the many activities that can be used to teach the child to ask questions.  The important things to remember are:
1) The information should not be known
2) he information should be "valuable" to the child.

作者: 玮玮    时间: 2008-7-22 22:29
标题: re:我也认为这些高级问句对孩子来说比较难,好...
作者: 刘    时间: 2008-7-22 22:31
标题: re:各位老大,能用中文不?就算我水平低点儿,...
作者: niuniuma    时间: 2008-7-23 11:39
标题: re:非专业的,融入了个人理解,多多包涵。...



































作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-23 11:44
标题: re:谢谢niuniuma,我也报个名,负责3...
作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-7-23 12:18
标题: re:好嘛,niuniuma一带头,老枪一挽袖...

作者: book    时间: 2008-7-23 13:07
标题: re:辛苦各位了,呵呵。

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-24 09:53
标题: re:再说一个How的问句。陪儿子看他...

陪儿子看他的电视,里面一个小女孩不停地问妈妈,how do you love me? how do you love me? 妈妈不禁被问出感慨来了,哗啦哗啦道出一段话,不多不少,刚好14句。

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, -- I love thee with the breath
Smiles, tears, and all my life -- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.



Lovaas 罗勿施; ABA 阿八疗法; QBB 十二-乙-乙

作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-7-24 21:02
标题: 简译19楼的主要内容。

Pre-requisite Skills

Why do People Ask Questions?


Is my child/student already requesting information?




作者: binfeng2000    时间: 2008-7-25 02:37
标题: re:[QUOTE][b]下面引用由[u]老枪...


陪儿子看他的电视,里面一个小女孩不停地问妈妈,how do you love me? how do you love me? 妈妈不禁被问出感慨来了,哗啦哗啦道出一段话,...

作者: lishan0926    时间: 2008-7-25 11:35
标题: re:不太回忆得起怎样教儿子问问题了?他现在十...
不太回忆得起怎样教儿子问问题了?他现在十分十分喜欢问问题,甚至我们的对话主要以问句形式开始展开,他可能以为这就是对话方式。例如:回来之后,他坐在沙发上,我走过来,他会说;我为什么坐在沙发上吗?  他用杯子喝水,会问:我为什么用杯子喝水呀? 自己玩荡秋千,会问:我为什么荡秋千呀? 他用为什么这样的问句来和我沟通交流。似乎偏离了问句本身的意义。我很注意不问孩子明知故问的问题?可是幼儿园老师讲课时,会用求知性的问句启发孩子?例如:大家看,老师拿的是什么?NT的孩子自然明白这是什么意思?回答就完了。可是我的儿子回家就指着自己的画问:这是谁画的画呀???我反问:你说那?他^_^笑,自己回答自己的名字。基于这一点,我认为教问句的要领在于教者和孩子有信息沟(孩子有未知要问,在家创设这种情景),有第三者辅助,否则教会了也有麻烦?--他不知道使用的社会内涵。
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-25 11:46
标题: re:QBB和冯版真是有默契:前面的那个刚问了...
QBB和冯版真是有默契:前面的那个刚问了一个“谁?”,这边就把5i52抓出来了。打赌我奉陪,All in.



mand,tact,intraverbal这几个词好像是史金纳造出来的,旨在避免日常的俗词在描述语言的功能时可能会引起的歧义。mand大致和demand,command接近,是指要求强化物。做过阿八疗法的人都知道,强化物是个很广的概念,相应的mand的范畴也很宽,它的对象可以是物,人,活动,社会性的认同,以及信息。tact 可能来源于contact,是指认或命名当前环境下的名称,属性,位置,动作,等等。顾名思义,intraverbal主要是指由他人语言引发的回答问题,对话等等。

1 听见飞机声,你说,飞机
2 我说“北京”,你说,奥运
3 闻到烤鸭的味道,你说,烤鸭
4 吃烤鸭的同时, 你说,mmm,mmm,mmm,...
5 我说,说两种动物,你说,猫,狗
6 看见猫和狗,你说,猫,狗
7 看到柜台里的钻戒,你说,好漂亮啊

(1346tact 25 intraverbal 7 LG或BF不在旁边,tact,否则,mand)


EO是Establishing Operation 的缩写,我查了一下它的翻译,台湾有人译作“建立操作的关系”,大陆则是“已形成事件”,都是让人越发糊涂的提法。其实,E中文读“一”,O是一个圆圈,放在一起,异缘。下面举个具体的例子来说明。



孙得宝的文章具体讲的是where 和 who 的问题,后者以前者为基础。问一个东西在哪里,有两个必要条件:1 你需要它, 2 你找不到它。

在新的一个训练单元开始时,给孩子带玩具的盒子,告诉他拿出XX,玩儿一会。把玩具收走,过片刻,再把盒子拿回,老师指令:把XX拿出。孩子打开盒子,却发现里面是空的,在他纳闷的时候,提示:“说,XX在哪儿?” (逐渐消退这个提示。Where这个句式仿说相对容易,what可能会难一点,实在不行可以在准备阶段先练仿说。)如果孩子跟着说了,告诉他玩具藏的地点(最后远一点),让他自己去拿。重复。





作者: LittleKoala    时间: 2008-7-25 12:37
标题: re:[QUOTE][b]下面引用由[u]bi...


作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-7-25 19:21
标题: re:niuniuma悄无声息地又把where...



把孩子喜欢的东西放在一个有小机关的盒子里,当他试图开而未果时,提示: 说,怎么打开?如果他仿说了,告诉他开的方法,大人不要动手,让孩子自己去做。












作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-7-25 20:59
标题: 欢庆奥运,维基解禁


疗法: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_therapies
ABA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied_behavior_analysis


作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-8-2 06:15
标题: re:[B]看奥运广告,学阿八疗法[/B] ...

1 刻板行为的浪漫展望

2 生活中训练-- 时刻准备着

3 EO的产生

4 一定要避免的训练方式
作者: 秋爸爸    时间: 2008-8-3 14:09
标题: re:看了,乐了。1,忘掉盖茨,股票还买中...
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-13 10:02
标题: re:楼上厉害,奥运会前就看出张斌的眼神不对了...


NMM在23楼新加的“为什么”的训练里,主要是营造一些奇怪的场景,从而提升孩子问为什么的EO。和这个相关,有一类“挑M病”训练,属于中级的Tact。当然,前提是这些形容词已经掌握,教的时候要用实物演示,并留意孩子的情绪。 http://establishingoperationsinc.com/pdfs/Tacts_of_obvious_problems.pdf


作者: 田田妈妈    时间: 2008-9-16 11:21
标题: re:老枪弃文从教了,粉丝赶超秋爸爸
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-22 09:47
标题: re:田田MM一挖苦,心急上火,差点又...
田田MM一挖苦,心急上火,差点又走进Lady room. 老着脸皮接着写。下面这个表格还是3楼链接里的内容,因为时间关系,用google翻译的,因为是词组,大致能看。错误当然有,以后慢慢改吧。还有一类是吃的,太危险,谁知道会出什么问题,不写了。
1 视觉强化物  

T.V. / movies t.v. /电影
Computer games 电脑游戏
Video games 视频游戏
Wind-up toys 风玩具
Tops / spinners 顶部/纺纱厂
Flashlight 手电筒
Toys that light up 玩具灯
Hologram stickers 全息图贴纸
Kaleidoscope 万花筒
Mirrors 镜子
Picture books 图画书
Pop-up books 弹出式的书籍
Toys with wheels (i.e. cars) 玩具车轮(即汽车)
Car or marble ramps 汽车或大理石的斜道
Train & train track 列车与列车追踪
Pop-up toys 弹出式玩具
Jack-in-the-Box 杰克-在- -方块
Balloons 气球
Puppets 木偶
Glittery or shiny stickers glittery或闪亮的贴纸
Crayons or markers 蜡笔或标记
Party poppers (contain confetti) 党的poppers (包含confetti )
Chalk & chalkboard 粉笔与黑板
Markers & marker board 标记及标记董事会
Magic Slate or Magnadoodle 魔术板岩或magnadoodle
Egg timer 鸡蛋计时器
Waterwheels waterwheels
Stamps & stamp pad 邮票及邮票垫
Painting 绘画
Paint with water books 涂料与水的书籍
Parachute men 降落伞男子
Glow-in-the-dark objects 辉光在- -黑暗中的物体
Viewfinder 取景器
Figurines from a favorite theme 俑从最喜爱的主题
(Specify: _______________________ (注明: _______________________
Snow globes 雪金球奖
Shadow play 皮影戏
Disc shooter 射击游戏光盘
Stopwatch 秒表
Beads 珠
Masks 口罩
Dress-up clothes / costumes 着装的后续衣服/服装
Hats 净化海港计划
Pouring liquids 浇注液体
Making photo copies 照片副本
Cameras / taking photographs 相机/拍照
Videocameras / making movies videocameras /制作电影
Puzzles 拼图
2 听觉强化物  
Music tapes / C.D.’s 音乐磁带/ C.D.氏
Books with sound effect strips 图书与声音效果带
Whistles 哨子
Bells 钟声
Drum & drum sticks 鼓与鼓枝
Triangle 三角
Rhythm sticks 节奏棒
Cymbals 钹
Piano 钢琴
Toys that talk or sing 玩具,通话或唱歌
Singing songs 唱歌
Microphone 麦克风
Party blowers 党鼓风机
Canisters that make animals sounds 滤毒罐,使动物的声音
Clackers Clackers
Therapist’s voice: whisper 治疗师的声音:耳语
Therapist’s voice: excited yell 治疗师的声音:兴奋大叫
Therapist’s voice: high pitch 治疗师的声音:高球场
Therapist’s voice: low pitch 治疗师的声音:低沥青
Toys that beep or buzz 玩具,蜂鸣或铃声
Nursery Rhymes 童谣
Music Box 音乐盒
Clapping 掌声
Kazoo Kazoo
3 触觉强化物  
Stress balls 应力球
Lotion 洗剂
Shaving cream 剃须膏
Play-doh 播放卫生署
Clay 粘土
Putty 腻子
Silly-string 愚蠢的弦
Sand play 砂发挥
Water play 发挥水
Bubble wrap 泡沫包装
Books with textured illustrations 与质感的书籍插图
Pipe-cleaners or Wikki-Stix 管清洁工或Wikki - Stix
Toys that bend or stretch 玩具,弯曲或伸展
Toys that are rubbery 玩具是胶状
Koosh-balls Koosh球
Finger painting 手指画
Bumble ball 弄糟球
Vibrating pen 振笔
Pom-poms 棒,简明心境
Puffy paint 吹牛涂料
3-D glue 三维胶水
Glitter 格里特
Magnets 磁体
Water balloons 水气球
Bean bags 豆袋
Feathers / feather duster 羽毛/羽毛掸子
Pillows 枕头
Soap bubbles 肥皂泡
Tickling Tickling
Ball pit 球坑
Fan 范
Crumpling / tearing paper Crumpling /撕毁文件
Massage 按摩
4 运动强化物  
Trampoline 蹦床
Bouncing on therapy ball 治疗弹跳球
Rolling on floor 滚动地板
Being held upside down 被关押倒
Spinning 纺纱
Sock-em Boppers 袜子,旅馆Boppers
Moon Shoes 月球鞋
Sit & Spin 坐在与自旋
Crawling on floor 检索地板
Running 运行
Jumping / hopping 跳跃/跳
Skipping 跳绳
Bicycle or tricycle 自行车或三轮车
Wagon rides 货车骑
Piggy-back rides 背驮式游戏机
Rocking chair / horse 摇椅/马
Dancing 舞蹈
Climbing 攀岩
Crashing into pillows 撞上枕头
Twister 龙卷风
Swinging 摆动
Rolling down a hill 滚下山
Being rolled up inside a blanket 被卷起毯子内
Crawling through tunnel 爬行通过隧道
Building a fort out of sofa cushions 建设一个堡垒的沙发靠垫
Rolling on stomach over large ball 对胃滚动大球
Scooter board 车板
Skate board 滑板板
Skates / roller blades 冰鞋/辊刀片
Throwing/kicking objects at targets 投掷/踢物体目标
Sliding down sliding board/ramp 滑下滑动板/坡道
Knocking down objects 撞倒物体
Hitting objects with bat or racquet 物体击中球棒或球拍
Batting at hanging objects 击球时悬挂物体
Bowling 保龄球
Golf 高尔夫
Air hockey 空气曲棍球
Being thrown in the air 被扔在空中
Hide & seek 隐藏&寻求
Tug-o-war 拔河邻战争

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-22 09:59
标题: re:仍是3楼的链接,教物体的部件名称的,各位...

Coat (zipper, pocket, button, hood, sleeve)
Mr. Potato Head (body parts)
Car (wheel, door, hood, window, trunk, horn, seatbelt)
Dog (ears, tail, fur, collar, nose)
Book (pages, binding, cover)
Shoe (laces, sole, tongue)
Duck (feathers, tail, bill, eyes)
Pencil (eraser, point, shaft, lead)
Phone (buttons, cord, numbers)
Toothbrush (bristles, handle)
Clock (numbers, hands, alarm)
Bike (handle bars, peddles, wheels, seat)
Cow (tail, spots)
Rollerblades (wheels, laces)
Backpack (zipper, handle, strap, pocket)
Bird (wings, beak, feet, eyes, tail)
Pizza (pepperoni, cheese, crust)
Bed (pillow, mattress, bedspread)
Shirt (buttons, sleeves)
Bathtub (water, bubbles, faucet)
Dresser (drawers)
Pants (zipper, button, pockets)
Pool (water, ladder)
Flag (stars, stripes)
Stomach (belly button)
Sink (faucet, handles)
Candle (wick, wax)
Pan (lid, handle)
Purse (strap, zipper)
Belt (buckle, holes)
Tree (leaves, trunk, branches, bark)
Cat (whiskers, fur, tail)
Tiger (stripes, claws)
Lamp (lightbulb, shade, cord, plug)
Police car (siren, lights, CB)
Door (knob, mail slot, hinge)
Piano (keys, pedal)
Radio (dial, antenna, cord, buttons)
Plane (wings, windows, landing gear)
Remote (buttons)
Pen (ink, point)
House (roof, window, door)
Foot (toes, nails)
TV (screen, plug, cord)
Fish (scale, fins, tail, gills)
Flower (stem, petal)
Airplane (wings, wheels, tail, nose)
Woody (hat, star, boots)
Computer (plug, screen, keyboard)
Ladybug (spots, legs, antennas)
Pencil (lead, shaft, eraser)
Bob the Builder (hat, hammer, boots)
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-22 10:02
标题: re:[COLOR=#0000ff][SIZE...


大家知道,ABA是指应用行为分析,而行为分析的主要理论来源是史金纳(Skinner)1938年的著作 The Behavior of Organisms.史金纳研究对象主要是鸽子和白鼠,1949年一个叫福乐(Fuller)的把他的原理应用于人,应该算是ABA的开端。


早在1934年的时候,史金纳在一次宴会上刚好坐在了69岁的哲学家白首(Alfred North Whitehead)旁边,年仅30岁的他抓住机会兴致勃勃地向白先生推销自己的行为主义。白首承认这个理论也许能解释人类的大多数行为,但不包括语言行为,并以一个友好的抬杠问题结束了讨论,“你能否用你的理论解释我的这个行为:我坐在这里,说,这个桌子上没有黑蝎子。”

第二天大早晨,史金纳就写了一个大纲,然后花了20多年的时间把它填满,这就是他的第5本书,VerbalBehavior.又过了20年,1978年,史金纳说,现在看来这本书是我最重要的著作。话虽这样讲,Verbal Behavior 里的理论真正得到重视大概是到了80年代,以马捷可(Jack Michael)为代表的一些学者做了很多后续研究。具体到自闭症,主要是三个人,孙得宝(Sundberg),白停顿(Partington),以及 Vincent Carbone。前两个都是老马的学生,著作颇丰,比较有名的有ABLLS,Teaching language to children with autism or other developmental disabilities, 可以说是自闭症VB干预方法的创始人。Vincent 的主要活动区域在美国东部,加拿大,欧洲部分地区,以及上海,偶尔也自己背水去印度。他对VB在方法上的完善,推广贡献很大。在东部,有数以百计的BCBA直接或间接地源于他的门下。


VB在教学内容的安排上主要依托ABLLS,在两种不同的环境下具体实施:高强度训练(DTT)及日常环境训练(NET)。当然这个形成不了特点,因为很多其他方法也用ABLLs,也有DTT,NET(也许叫不同的名字)。我自己的感觉,VB的长处在于 (1) 引入了史金纳的语言的功能性分类 (2)无差错零延迟辅助的桌面教学(DTT) (3)强调并优先引入mand教学。

先说第一点。以琳有个叫lily_d的网友谈自己对VB的感受时曾说,VB在很多的时候不需要泛化这一过程(大意如此)。原因可能在于,VB把需要泛化的内容已经分解成独立的教学任务。 关于语言按功能分类,31楼作个简单介绍,抄袭如下:

mand,tact,intraverbal这几个词好像是史金纳造出来的,旨在避免日常的俗词在描述语言的功能时可能会引起的歧义。mand大致和demand,command接近,是指要求强化物。做过阿八疗法的人都知道,强化物是个很广的概念,相应的mand的范畴也很宽,它的对象可以是物,人,活动,社会性的认同,以及信息。tact 可能来源于contact,是指认或命名当前环境下的名称,属性,位置,动作,等等。顾名思义,intraverbal主要是指由他人语言引发的回答问题,对话等等。

1 听见飞机声,你说,飞机
2 我说“北京”,你说,奥运
3 闻到烤鸭的味道,你说,烤鸭
4 吃烤鸭的同时, 你说,mmm,mmm,mmm,...
5 我说,说两种动物,你说,猫,狗
6 看见猫和狗,你说,猫,狗
7 看到柜台里的钻戒,你说,好漂亮啊

(1346tact 25 intraverbal 7 LG或BF不在旁边,tact,否则,mand)


比如“苹果”这个词,教小孩的时候,一般从mand入手,在他有EO的时候,举着苹果,诱导他说:苹果(mand)。给他。孩子吃了几口后,问他,这是什么?苹果(tact)。看孩子有点不想吃了的时候,大人说,给我苹果,小孩依言递过(大人mand,小孩 receptive)。接着大人把苹果藏在背后,默数3秒,问,你刚才吃的什么?小孩说,苹果(intraverbal)。




作者: 田田妈妈    时间: 2008-9-22 17:25
标题: re:订~订~订正,声明是鼓励加期待老枪的教育...
作者: 我爱飞扬    时间: 2008-9-23 22:54
标题: re:我儿子五岁以前是不会问句。为了让他把问题...







作者: 文文媽媽    时间: 2008-9-24 10:51
标题: re:豆豆妈:文的问问题方法跟豆一样哦。好象他...
作者: ajajaj    时间: 2008-9-24 14:42
标题: re:Gosh, 我这晕呀!老枪秋爸爸太有学问...
Gosh, 我这晕呀!老枪秋爸爸太有学问了!
回一楼,估计我问正常孩子"say, what is this!" or even "you say this -- WHAT IS THIS!"正常孩子也是要回答你的。不信我明天问问我老二。我觉得应该这样教,也是个人经验呀,不一定别的孩子适用。1)我拿着盒子,举到孩子面前,吸引他足够注意力了,就说"WWWWWWWWHHHHHH......",看他接茬吗,说"what 's this“吗。这个办法要在孩子多次听过这句话以后,如果孩子从不知道这句话他当然自己不会造句。2)我拿着孩子给爸爸,爸爸特别夸张的表现出他感兴趣,然后清楚大省的病确认孩子一定在场能听到地说“what's this“,我马上告诉爸爸是什么,并夸奖他问的好。可惜我跟俺老公没这么练过,都是老二配合我,或者非特地设定的,爸爸拿了什么东西,我主动装傻冲愣地问,给孩子做个示范。
秋爸爸贴的英文,我认为when有两个意思,一个简单,一个难,你(抄录)列举的都是第一种,when do we have dinner? -- 6 oclock. when do we eat apple? -- after dinner.但还有一种when,比如when do we use umbralle? -- when it is raining. 这个和how差不多同时。
我又老生常谈,就举个例子,大家自己理解吧。我儿子早就会问where, 比如我们出去他问去哪里呀。东西丢了他问他的铅笔在哪里呀。可有一次他和小朋友一起上课出来,我说穿上外衣,那孩子(没自闭症)听见了就问他妈妈“我的外衣呢?”我特别感慨,我儿子还差远哪!他会问问题了,可是他根本不在乎别人的谈话内容也联想不到他的外衣,更不会因此发问。我从无数次这样的例子中改进自己的努力方向。
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-24 19:24
标题: re:43楼,飞扬是谁?你没说爱豆豆,却说爱他...




作者: niuniuma    时间: 2008-9-25 00:38
标题: re:[QUOTE][B]下面引用由[U]我爱...





作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-25 09:06
标题: re:[COLOR=#0909f7][SIZE...




1 增加交流,树立老师的地位。
2 发展主动语言。
3 减少行为问题。
4 为以后发展打基础

5 容易教。


两个选择,手语及PECS。如果没理解错的话,pecs应该是picture exchange communication system,在小孩理解有困难的时候,用图片去帮助他理解,这是很自然的事情,我自己也喜欢看小人书。可是如果把一堆图片随时带在身上,用它去表达要求,不合适。



1 孩子可能已具备一定的动作模仿能力。不过模仿能力不是教手语先决条件,最重要的是孩子要有动力。反过来,手语促进模仿能力是肯定的。
2 教师可示范,消退,以及全辅助。这点和PECS一样,在孩子能力不具备时,比硬逼仿说好。
3 和语言一样,不受环境器材限制。而且能迅速表达,不像PECS在一堆图片里摸摸索索好半天。
4 手语和语言是topography-based,每一个动作或声音代表一个不同的意思。而pecs,都是一个动作,指或换。很多研究显示,手语对语言的产生有促进作用。手语和语言一样,都有一个motor-planning 的机制,当你想表达的时候,你用大脑控制不同的肌肉,做出不同的动作,而不只是用眼睛。

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-25 09:09
标题: re:如果确定了mand是训练的切入点,接下来...


1 选择那些已是强化物的词语,而且是老师易于控制的东西
比如小食品,饮料;持续很短的活动,肥皂泡,挠痒痒;容易移去的东西,音乐,DVD;能分期分批给的东西,mmm(mini M&M),饮料在瓶子里,喝的时候倒一点点在杯子里。
2 选择音节在孩子仿说范围内的强化物。(能仿说的情况)
3 对于手语的小孩,不要开始教more,please 等,而是要教具体的物件名称或者大人的名字(称谓)。
4 不要同时教发音或动作接近的强化物。




提要求训练一般是在日常生活环境(NET,即Natural Environment Teaching)下进行的。开始前,考虑三件事情:




逐渐地,当你每次接近孩子时,他就知道好的有趣的让人兴奋的事情就要来了,期盼地看着你,主动接近你,Pairing 成功,可以考虑发指令了。这个过程所需的时间因人而异,快的半个小时,慢的也许要3,4个个训单元(2小时/单元)。训练的过程应该始终坚持Pairing,极端的提法是90% Pairing,10%指令,真正做到大概很难。目标应该是让训练者成为孩子的强化物,同时也要建立对孩子的指令控制(instructional control)。


对于没有任何仿说能力的小孩,可以考虑手语和图片交换。我自己不大会用图片,但儿子在基地的教官用得很好。手语我教得还可以,鼎盛时期,儿子大概掌握了60个。后来开始说话,就不再比划了。宝宝爱因斯坦有一集  Baby Wordsworth (First words—around the house)特意请了妖艳的女演员Marlee Matlin 来做手语,不知地摊上是否盗货。

能够用语言当然最好。水(S-u-ei)这个音很难,但如果孩子能够仿说 uei,可以暂时用它替代,据SLP 讲,应该先练元音,再加辅音。


成功的Pairing,确定了孩子能仿说“uei”,很渴。让我们复习一下搂住说的四个错误后开始训练:(1)把强化物当作引诱物(2)重复指令(3)不及时辅助  (4)无意中对负面行为的强化。


辅助,把水亮出,问:水?-----手伸过来了 ************************错误(1)
3秒后,盯住小孩,重复:“uei”------ 没反应,继续伸手 ***************错误(2)(3)
把水给小孩!!!在他喝的同时,说:mmm,S-u-ei  *******************错误(4)?









有一点需要澄清的是,教小孩说话最好开始就教正确的发音,小孩说得不准可以接受,大人还是要说正确的,为小孩听别人说话和将来准确地说打好基础。所以上文中把Shui 说成uei 是不恰当的,卖个破定而已。

****这里说的DVD:Teaching Verbal Behavior in the Natural Environment: Teaching Vocal Manding (Requesting)


作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-25 09:11
标题: re:教新的mand只是mand训练的一小部分...



走近小孩,获得他的注意力后,伸出一个手指往上指,同时说:up? 如果小孩不拒绝,马上把他举到空中。放下后再问:up?这次要求孩子手语,必要时辅助。(p)。举起后加一










作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-25 09:34
标题: re:一本正经地写“教育”帖子不是件好玩的事情...

作者: LittleKoala    时间: 2008-9-25 09:54
标题: re:很抱歉,这两天比较忙,强化物给得晚了点。...
很抱歉,这两天比较忙,强化物给得晚了点。不过现在还不算太晚:Well done! LQ。


期待Season 2,and......
作者: oy    时间: 2008-9-25 10:41
标题: re:非常感谢老枪。很好的资料!不知道你是...
不知道你是否是DC07的马甲,不管怎么样,我很感谢DC07(老枪?),因为当初来以琳还不久,问问题时他(她)在我的一个帖子里提到了ABLLS-R,"verbal behavior autism"。

作者: Ean妈妈    时间: 2008-9-25 13:47
标题: re:感谢考拉妈妈把我带来这里,看得我肃然起敬...
作者: 女儿是天使    时间: 2008-9-25 18:54
标题: re:老枪以后别再用马甲了吧,至少“教育”帖子...

作者: vincent    时间: 2008-9-25 20:37
标题: re:[QUOTE][B]下面引用由[U]老枪...


真够阴森的了 - 典型NickCave的风格。配上KylieMinogue这个妖女(秋爸爸称她为吸血鬼的吧?),这两个澳洲男女在一起还蛮有点气氛。

越来越明白老枪了,整个就是NickCave坏种(The Bad Seeds), 阴冷、黑色、又有点颓废诗人的气质。


作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-26 08:52
标题: re:---55楼:还是没明白VB和ABA有什...
By R.L. Gaston - 4/28/2007

Dr. Vincent J. Carbone, keynote speaker for Autism Expo 2007, renowned for his emphasis on Verbal Behavior and has worked with children with disabilities for the past 30 years. He currently runs Carbone Clinic in Valley Cottage, New York which hosts prospective candidates for his workshops from around the world. His programs and lectures continue to be well received by many and his passion to continue helping families remains steadfast. I had the opportunity to ask him a few questions before the Expo.

RL Gaston
: What would you attribute the recent rise in numbers of autistic children being diagnosed today?

Dr. Vince Carbone: I am not a physician or epidemiologist and therefore my opinion on this topic is no better than that of the “person on the street”. From everything that I read and hear it appears that better screening and iagnosis plays at least a part in the higher rate of incidence. Beyond that it appears that most experts in his area speculate that a child’s genetic predisposition along with potential environmental insults and oxins might account for the rise in the number of identified cases.

RL Gaston
: You have been asked to educate and train several schools systems across the US, have you found that some school systems are willing to embrace VB as apposed to traditional ABA because of its approach?

Dr. Vince Carbone: The distinction between what people call “traditional ABA” and “VB” may not be a useful distinction and frequently leads to confusion among consumers and conflict in our field. A potentially more useful distinction is between ABA programs that include a behavior analysis of language through the application of B.F.Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior and those that do not. Some practitioners who guide ABA programs for children with autism have been influenced by Skinner’s behavioral analysis of language and the empirical research that has followed while others have not.

ABA programs that make use of Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior have been referred to by some as “VB Programs”. In fact, the focus of my keynote address here at this conference relates to the benefits of including a behavioral analysis of language to ABA programs. As the benefits of including Skinner’s analysis of language are acknowledged and recognized within our fi eld our consumers, e.g. parents, school districts, etc., are becoming aware of these outcomes and therefore are specifically requesting programs that incorporate this very important component of ABA.

RL Gaston: Some parent may have opted out of the educational system altogether and gone the home school route; do you feel (if done properly) that home schooling using a VB approach can offer more than a self-contained classroom?

Dr. Vince Carbone: I support and encourage the development of behavioral programs within the public school environment. The move to home programming for children with autism was mainly the result of parent dissatisfaction with the level of services their children were receiving. When schools provide effective behavioral services is it is the preferred educational setting for school age children with autism, in my opinion. Effective school programs provide a variety of activities, persons and settings which are important educational experiences that can not be duplicated easily in the home environment.
Moreover, the extreme demands on parents of managing a home program can have negative effects on the entire family. Consequently, a focus of my work for many years has been to improve school programs so that parents do not feel the need to develop home programs that substitute for the school experiences of children with autism. I think in the long run for the majority of students our efforts to support and improve public education for children with autism will be the most important thing we can do.

RL Gaston
: Are there any Verbal Behavior schools (Private or Public) in the US? If so, where are they located?

Dr. Vince Carbone There are schools throughout the US that have developed ABA programs that incorporate a behavioral analysis of language. I would refer interested parties to the Yahoos Group Verbal Behavior List server on which parents have posted lists of schools of the type you mention. A review of the archives of this list server or a post on this topic will bring forth a list of schools and programs.

RL Gaston Families often fear that there is a ticking clock when it comes to helping their autistic child get services; do you feel that there is a specific age range that is optimal for learning or does it depend solely on the severity of the disorder?

Dr. Vince Carbone: It is clear that providing services at an early age leads to better outcomes. Certainly the severity of the disorder plays a role in the ultimate outcome. Given the fact that learning occurs at every age there is no reason to believe that services should be discontinued at a certain age or that learning can not occur after a certain point in development. There are limits that are determined by age in everyone’s development but too much emphasis upon artificially determined age limits can lead to a failure to provide effective services.

This question frequently is asked about the development of speech in children autism. The earlier speech develops clearly the better and there is a tendency for speech to develop earlier rather than later if it will develop at all. There are limits related to the individual as to whether or not speech will develop and when. Notwithstanding the learner variables there are behavioral procedures that have been demonstrated to support vocal responding in children with autism. In this area it is a delicate balance for practitioners to not abandon procedures to support vocal responding too soon while insuring that everyone realizes there may be some developmental limits related to the acquisition of this repertoire.

RL Gaston: For first time parents whom are just starting a VB program what do you suggest the fi rst steps are? And approximately how long once you’ve started a VB program might you see progress?

Dr. Vince Carbone
: One of the factors that may lead to the best outcome is a knowledgeable and skilled individual guiding the program. The background and skills of the person the school or parents choose will have an important effect on the long term outcome of the learner. One of the most important fi rst steps will be the selection of a competent consultant. I also encourage parents to develop their own knowledge base through reading and attending conferences and talking with other parents so that they become informed consumers.

Progress is a very individualized issue for children with autism. However, one of the first skills often taught within a behavioral language program is requesting or technically referred to as manding. This is a very important skill since it is one of the first social initiations of typical children as well as many children with autism. Parents will want to determine how much emphasis is placed on this skill since this will not always be the focus of some providers. Parents may want to use the development of this skill as a benchmark of initial progress since it is very common that you can see this skill begin to occur very quickly with many children with autism in properly designed programs.

RL Gaston What percentages of non-verbal children who use a VB program actually become verbal?

Dr. Vince Carbone
: There are no published studies that report the type of results your question is asking. Unfortunately a substantial portion of children with autism do not easily develop speaking as their form of communication. One of the goals of programs that emphasize language development is to support spoken communication through alternative methods of communication. The question might then best be answered by discussing what forms of alternative communication are most likely to support vocal production in children with developmental disabilities and autism.

There is some published work that has demonstrated that both manual sign language and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) have led to improved vocal responding in children with autism. (See Millar, Light and Schlosser, 2006). Two studies have compared manual sign language to PECS related to vocal production and in both cases manual sign language was superior (Anderson, 2002; Tincani, 2004) Consequently, the outcome related to vocal production may at least be partially determined by the choice of alternative communication systems chosen and the intensity of services.

RL Gaston A lot of autistic children go undiagnosed until 8 or 9 years of age, since they already missed the early intervention years, what would you suggest for these parents to do?

Dr. Vince Carbone: As discussed above early appears to produce better outcomes compared to later intervention. Notwithstanding this fact, the recommendations for beginning treatment do not change substantially with differences in age. Despite age I recommend the placement of the children in an ABA program with special emphasis upon a behavioral analysis of language. In “older” children with few communication skills request or manding training would be the initial emphasis as it would be with younger children. While age appropriate activities are a consideration along with other age related factors, in general the application of behavior analytic procedures and emphasis upon social initiations seem important at any age.

RL Gaston
The Carbone Clinic in New York has a summer workshop; roughly how many people do you train there annually? What qualifi cations are necessary for those who may want to attend and pursue your program?

Dr. Vince Carbone: The information regarding our summer institute training is available on our website at
[U]www. carboneclinic.com[/U]. We limit our training to about 10-12 participants so that we might maintain an intensive and highly interactive training experience. During the 10 days of the summer institute training the participants receive behavioral instruction and have the opportunity to work with children with autism each day under the supervision of our staff. In this way we can shape the teaching repertoire of each of the participants through direct contact with students. We frequently have international participants from locations such as the Middle East, Greece, Europe and the United Kingdom.

RL Gaston What single thing would you contribute to being the success of Verbal Behavior?

Dr. Vince Carbone
: Skinner’s behavioral analysis of language has provided behavior analysts and teachers with a fi ner grain analysis of language that goes beyond the more common expressive/receptive language classifi cation system. As a result we are now aware of the differences between teaching words as labels (tacts) as opposed to requests (mands). In most programs guided by Skinner’s analysis we begin almost immediately by teaching expressive language in the form of requesting (manding). By doing this we may see an immediate increase in social initiations, communication attempts and a reduction in problem behavior. This may be the single most important contribution that a verbal behavior approach brings to the treatment of persons with autism.

RL Gaston
There are very few programs for adults with autism in the US; if services were offered to adults what would services should they be looking for?

Dr. Vince Carbone: Services to adults with autism should be guided by an assessment of individual learner needs as is the case with younger learners. Programs for adults might place greater emphasis upon independence, self-care, leisure activities and community involvement. However, many adult learners have not benefi ted from strong instruction in the area of communication mainly because it is thought that they have reached their potential in this area. This is not always true and therefore instruction in verbal behavior might well be an area of emphasis for adults as it is for children. Many of the problem behaviors that adult learners sometimes exhibit may be related to ineffective communication skills. Consequently, improved communication may lead to less restrictive placements and a reduction in the inappropriate use of psychotropic medications to reduce behaviors that are thought to be the symptoms of adult on-set mental illness.

RL Gaston
What does Dr. Carbone do for a hobby when your not travelling or speaking?

Dr. Vince Carbone: For most of my life I have been a sports enthusiast and have maintained a daily regimen of jogging and running to this day. My wife and I enjoy watching the New York Yankees and we enjoy live performances and therefore we are frequent theater-goers and visitors to Broadway performances. (看看,人家都是两口子一起去看的)

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-26 08:59
标题: re:谢谢各位鼓励,特别是老V的高度评价。Ni...
谢谢各位鼓励,特别是老V的高度评价。Nick Cave是我的偶像之一,很严肃的一个艺术家。我儿子有时候会在自己消遣的时候,拍着小手唱Nick 的另外一个著名小调:

Get down,get down,Henry Lee
Stay all night with me
作者: sxy    时间: 2008-9-26 09:06
标题: re:考拉妈如果有幸见到Nick,帮小枪讨个签...
作者: LittleKoala    时间: 2008-9-26 09:24
标题: re:[QUOTE][b]下面引用由[u]sx...

信义妈,不是我不帮忙,可是真的很为难啊!这两个,Nick & Kylie都长住英格兰,记得有个搞笑节目说,Kylie Minogue听说自己是澳洲人,感觉十分震惊。



作者: vincent    时间: 2008-9-28 16:18
标题: re:[QUOTE][B]下面引用由[U]老枪...

谢谢各位鼓励,特别是老V的高度评价。Nick Cave是我的偶像之一,很严肃的一个艺术家。我儿子有时候会在自己消遣的时候,拍着小手唱Nick 的另外一个著名小调:

Get down,get do...

作者: 女儿是天使    时间: 2008-9-28 19:41
标题: re:“为了方便天使BB阅读,特意翻译成了英文...

“As a result we are now aware of the differences between teaching words as labels (tacts) as opposed to requests (mands). In most programs guided by Skinner’s analysis we begin almost immediately by teaching expressive language in the form of requesting (manding). ”请问老枪,VB怎么评价LABELS?我们一直有用PECS,但到现在都没有训练LABELS。奇怪。

作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-9-29 11:04
标题: re:GRGD, VB一般在小孩训练了一段时间...
GRGD, VB一般在小孩训练了一段时间mand之后(2-3个月),其他各项目也同时均衡地展开,其中包括label/tact。基本上是哪个方面弱,哪个方面用的功夫更多一些。根据ABLLS,大的方向主要有:
B visual performance
C receptive language
D imitaiton
E vocal imitation
F mand
G labeling
H intraverbal



Rock-a-bye baby, in the ---  treetop(picture),
When the wind blows, ---the cradle (picture) ---- will rock,
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
And down will come ----baby, cradle(picture) --- and all.

作者: 女儿是天使    时间: 2008-9-29 22:12
标题: re:还好,下周洛瓦斯的人来督查。洛瓦斯的话,...
作者: vincent    时间: 2008-9-30 12:49
标题: re:是啊,laoqiang肯定是个好人,不然...
是啊,laoqiang肯定是个好人,不然我等早就被他忽悠死了, heihei...
作者: 女儿是天使    时间: 2008-9-30 18:41
标题: re:不止是好人,还很害羞,一夸他就不露面了,...
作者: LittleKoala    时间: 2008-10-3 10:00
标题: re:最近也抽空看了VB的东西,觉得LQ直接从...

好象是说用VB,首先小孩得会仿说,得有一定基础(echoic repertoire),这个应该就是我翻译的Verbal imitation第二阶段的bringing vocalizations under temporal control吧?
作者: 老枪    时间: 2008-10-3 10:14
标题: re:---好象是说用VB,首先小孩得会仿说...


作者: LittleKoala    时间: 2008-10-3 10:28
标题: re:谢谢老枪的再提示。看东西不够仔细,检讨!...


作者: 在今天    时间: 2009-4-16 15:10
标题: re:这个帖子很有用啊,谢谢。

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