Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the science of applying experimentally derived principles of behavior to improve socially significant behavior. ABA takes what we know about behavior and uses it to bring about positive change (Applied). Behaviors are defined in observable and measurable terms in order to assess change over time (Behavior). The behavior is analyzed within the environment to determine what factors are influencing the behavior (Analysis).
There's very little to argue with the ideas that we do things more often when they have positive consequences (reinforcement), that when we don't know how to do something we need help to learn how (prompting), that such help needs to be eventually removed if we are to do the skill on our own (fading), and that we get better and better at things as we practice them more (shaping)。
[原文见Ron Leaf & John McEachin et al. 1999. A Work in Progress: Behavior Management Strategies and a Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Autism. pp. 128-9]作者: 521 时间: 2008-4-10 15:15 标题: re:您好考拉妈,探讨一个问题。先看下面的一个... 您好考拉妈,探讨一个问题。先看下面的一个小游戏:
“我昨天才看了一本书,2007年出的(Right from the start, behavioral intervention for young children with autism by Sandra Harris, Mary Jane Weiss),说实在很开眼。两个作者都是博士加ABA训练师。她们说ABA框架中,包括DTT(回合式,结构化的,学习技能的)和自然法(naturalistic methods). 书中提到,DTT非常有效,学习技能等。还训练孩子学会对指令做出反应,这本身就是一个很好的技能。但是对主动性(initiate)培养不太有利。而自然法naturalistic method就可以很好的补充这个问题。自然法中包括:incidental teaching, pivotal response training ,natural environment training.
1.Identify component steps ( Task Analysis )[先把复杂的任务分解成可以几步完成的小任务]
2.Teach one step at a time [每次只教一个步骤]
3.Provide repeated practice [要不断地重复]
4.Use prompting and prompt fading as necessary [要提供辅助,而且需要的时候要及时消退辅助]
5.Reinforce successive approximations of desired response [对于逐步接近目标的努力提供强化]
分析当初为什么教不会孩子的原因:1,没有把复杂的动作分解,招手的动作起码包括两部分:把手抬起来,和挥动两个动作。由于孩子当时没有模仿能力或者模仿能力很弱,一个完整的动作,他无从理解和模仿;2,这个动作细究起来,实际上是一个连续的两步动作,由于我们做得快,他很可能无法抓住要领和过程,或者即使他能模仿,也太困难;3,很少的时候,我们也给他提供了辅助,如举起他的手晃了晃,但是没有及时加以强化和鼓励。而我们当时的做法,是参照一本育儿书上说的,等别人走后,对他说“You should wave your hand”,或者是“You should say hello”。现在看来,这是有责骂他的意思,实际是负强化,儿子可能对此更为反感。4,没有单位时间尽可能多地重复,和别人擦身而过,这个教的过程也就结束了。因而这个动作不会在他的大脑里留下很深印象,当时也许记住,过后就忘了。恐怕这就是花了一年多时间,用incidental teaching的方法没有教会他招手的原因。
先摘抄一段Lovaas Institute的最新研究成果,以后有空翻译一下:
Smith, Mruzek, et al. (2006) studied the effects of error correction procedures on rates of acquisition. Six children with autism participated in the study. Upon making an error, the child either received a vocal "no," a model prompt, or no feedback. Based upon the variability in children with autism, the results are not surprising: two children acquired skills equally as well with no feedback versus an error correction procedure; two acquired skills more readily with an error correction strategy; one learned most readily when an error statement was used; one learned best when model was provided. There was no difference in acquisition between these two strategies. One child acquired skills more readily with the modeling strategy, and one acquired skills more readily with the use of "no". The authors concluded that no single error correction procedure was identified as superior. 作者: 雨晨(爸爸) 时间: 2008-4-27 22:17 标题: re:这个帖子不错,希望各路大虾们踊跃讨论,多... 这个帖子不错,希望各路大虾们踊跃讨论,多拿一些实践的例子出来,分别用ABA和RDI实操一下。找出他们的共性,得到更完美结合点,让我们这些学生也能事半功倍的学习~!作者: LittleKoala 时间: 2008-4-29 13:35 标题: ABA是一种有效的学习方法 (3) 谢谢雨晨(爸爸)的鼓励,忙中偷闲接着写点,欢迎大侠们接着讨论。