We analyzed and treated the finger sucking of 2 developmentally typical children aged 7
and 10 years. The functional analysis revealed that the finger sucking of both children
was exhibited primarily during alone conditions, suggesting that the behavior was maintained
by automatic reinforcement. An extended analysis provided support for this hypothesis
and demonstrated that attenuation of stimulation produced by the finger sucking
resulted in behavior reductions for both children. Treatment consisted of having each
child wear a glove on the relevant hand during periods when he or she was alone. Use
of the glove produced zero levels of finger sucking for 1 participant, whereas only moderate
reductions were obtained for the other. Subsequently, an awareness enhancement
device was used that produced an immediate reduction in finger sucking.
DESCRIPTORS: finger sucking, sensory attenuation, awareness enhancement device,
functional analysis, automatic reinforcement作者: 麦田守望者 时间: 2008-6-5 14:14 标题: re:孩子的感觉怎么知道呢?建议你带他到大医院... 孩子的感觉怎么知道呢?建议你带他到大医院的儿童口腔科去处理牙,说明孩子的情况,医生见识过也能理解。我见过一个孩子,每天吃完饭就要放声大哭,没有语言,有人说他是想家了,我发现他的磨牙全坏了,估计是塞牙了难受的。