我觉得你孩子的原因,不一定是这样的理由,一般我们很难用那些大人的概念去形容孩子的心理,这个学习动机就不大适合,因为这么小的孩子还没有那么自主的思想,我觉得她是受挫后的退缩和逃避,用自己的内心的封闭世界来逃避现实,这是那些高功能孩子,或是爱斯伯格症孩子的很普遍的现象.而且,我觉得孩子越小,而且处于'正常孩子"的环境下,这种压力就越大,孩子反而可能更自我封闭起来.作者: niuniu2007 时间: 2007-8-8 01:08 标题: re:About School Disctri... About School Disctrict, they also have their guideline and evaluation protocol that is protected by law. I almost went their evaluation every six months, my daught always passed their evaluation, so she didnot qualify (as a preschool child).
Now I heard it is much easier to get special education once the child is in formal school (after 5yr) but unfortunately, a very critical period of time (2-5yr) is wasted.
I really dislike the way they treat preschool autistic children in this state (Texas). 作者: gmom 时间: 2007-8-8 01:29 标题: re:I think you had bett... I think you had better give your daughter private ABA training at home, although it's expensive.
I also give my son DAN! doctor treatment.
In US, the most special schools are not reliable really. You need do something at home.作者: 女儿是天使 时间: 2007-8-8 02:39 标题: re:我的体会是,不能政府怎样安排就怎样接受,... 我的体会是,不能政府怎样安排就怎样接受,有些东西要靠自己去争取,要自己提出来才有机会.最好你能争取到密集的ABA训练.孩子好的方面心里知道就行了,对医生和政府,将最差的情形如实说明.例如不去特意强调她的中文发展得好,不去特意强调那些狭隘的兴趣不是"物件",不去强调她的能力其实是够的.医生和政府需要知道孩子的不足,至于那些闪光点,等特教老师去发现和利用.作者: gmom 时间: 2007-8-8 03:20 标题: re:I think you must fig... I think you must fight for your daughter's right. When I know my son has autism, an Indian boy's mom told me, You must be a fighter. Dealing with the government and school district, finding the best treatment for your kids.
My best suggestion is: looking for some autism Yahoo group in your area. Post questions on the yahoo group and seek help.You will get respond very quickly. You can ask them how to deal with local school district and regional center. Find some special education adovate for your daughter.作者: binfeng2000 时间: 2007-8-8 03:42 标题: re:你去GOOGLE一下,"early in... 你去GOOGLE一下,"early intervention program in Texas",还是有些结果的啊:
如果实在没时间,化点钱请个律师,在纽约的价钱也就是五千块,到www.AutismSpeaks.org 或地方上的自闭症组织,找那些有"特殊教育"背景的律师.
http://www.dars.state.tx.us/ecis/index.shtml作者: niuniu2007 时间: 2007-8-8 03:59 标题: re:early intervention p... early intervention program in Texas--the problem is she doesn't qualify!!! ECI has their own protocol and guideline. They told me it is against law to admit her in ECI when she passed the screen.
We screened four times in two years.
As for private ABA, I always think her symptome is not severe enough to justify the expense. She doesn't need ABA, she can do very well as long as it is one-on-one. And, eventually, she has to "fit in" the main stream education. So I have always tried to work with daycare teacher for her to "fit in".
DAN! is something new I found. gmom, did DAN! help your son?
I have not joined any local autism group.
I did join a church group recently where we have Friday Bible study, when kids can socialize. 作者: gmom 时间: 2007-8-8 04:42 标题: re:I think Binfeng2000'... I think Binfeng2000'suggestion is: looking for a lawyer to help you geting your daughter to be qualify for special education. You must fight for the special education eligibility.
As DAN!, you can see kwenma' post. http://www.elimautism.org/leadbbs/announce/announce.asp?BoardID=12&id=196967
Her son goes through a lot of treatment from DAN! doctor.
For your daughter, if you think ABA is not helpful, Have you tried RDI? The headquarter of RDI is in Houston, TX. There is a big RDI center at North Dallas.作者: niuniu2007 时间: 2007-8-8 09:30 标题: re:非常谢谢大家的信息! 我不是一个FIGH... 非常谢谢大家的信息! 我不是一个FIGHTING的人, 更愿意去适应环境.关键是, 女儿就要上KINDERGARTEN了, 于学校系统, 这就是学龄儿童, 不再归ECI管. daycare老师说, 在公立学校, 老师会看在眼里, 会将她归入特教的. 最近才知道DAN!, RDI,以前全在圈外游离.在抓紧了解.
再次谢谢大家.作者: gmom 时间: 2007-8-8 09:50 标题: re:Don't worry. My son... Don't worry. My son is same as your daughter. We found he has autism when he went to preschool after 3 years old. All his classmates pickup English very quickly, however, he only speak words for English. My son has other problem. His fine motor is delayed a lot, he also has attention problem. He only speaks to family members in Chinese and plays with kids that he is really familiar with. Your daughter likes animal, my son obsesses to garbage truck.
作者: niuniu2007 时间: 2007-8-8 12:55 标题: re:gmom, 我也真希望住在加州阿, 我女... gmom, 我也真希望住在加州阿, 我女儿肯定会得到更多的公立私立的帮助.我们学区是很穷的, 要是HOUSTON就好了.
It is comfort to know your son had similar symptoms with my daughter as far as English goes.
我想我还是用私人的ABA或参加RDI训练好些, 我要多做些, 多花些钱才好.
事实上我老二也一样, 应该是AS, 女儿应是ASD. 从小老二语言思维更好些, 你我他分的清,才两岁会问为什么.可是他现在3岁上幼儿园也快一年了, 也不说英语, 也不和别人玩,内向的很, 脾气还坏.
这两个小包袱, 却这样重!!
也不后悔, 看他们两个疯玩的时候还是挺高兴的.只是太累了. 作者: gmom 时间: 2007-8-8 14:06 标题: re:I think your daughte... I think your daughter is much better than my son. At least She can learn from you.
You have 2 kids, one is ASD, the other is AS. I think RDI will benefit both of them.作者: 女儿是天使 时间: 2007-8-8 14:59 标题: re:我觉得加入当地的自闭症组织是会对你有帮助... 我觉得加入当地的自闭症组织是会对你有帮助的。就算你的孩子不是自闭,也不妨碍你从中获取信息和得到支持。
你还可以查一下“选择性缄默症”(selective mutism)。作者: sean3941 时间: 2007-8-8 22:11 标题: re:我知道两个selective mutis... 我知道两个selective mutism 的孩子。
有眼神接触就不是自闭? 自闭诊断标准中并没有一个是关于眼神接触的.作者: melon 时间: 2007-8-22 23:25 标题: re:niuniu I'm in the St... niuniu I'm in the States too. Happen to come across your posts today, and I think you should really pursue a disgnosis from an Independent qualified professional, like clinical Psycologist etc. That way you can be clear about if your kids are autistic, or with other problem, and try to address them specificly.
From my experience with Autism, your daughter's symptom is very atypical, i.e. there is a good chance that she is NOT autistic, but has some other problem (e.g.SELECTIVE MUTISM).
In a word, if I were you, I'll try to go houston and get a diagnosis asap. Houston has so many big medical centers that it shouldn't be hard for you to find somebody that can diagnose your daughter.
自闭症的核心缺陷是复杂运动及顺序(complex motor actions or motor sequences), 复杂语言(complex language,the interpretative aspects of language包括阅读能力, 听故事, 谚语,比喻,推理归纳, 复杂句型), 记忆复杂信息(memory for complex information),和抽象推理(abstract reasoning).
The Core Deficit in Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders/Nancy J. Minshew, M.D.
这些问题我女儿都有, 上体操课,四步的动作她只能完成2步, 最不喜欢听故事,听不懂, 没兴趣,即使是动物的, 也只是看个热闹. 除非给她掰开了揉碎了.所以集体课听故事是她神驰天外的时候.经常问她一些问题, 讲一件事, 我都快讲成饶口令了, 她还没明白呢.记忆复杂信息:在学校发生什么事情都说不出来.抽象推理就更差了, 也是象我在说饶口令呢, 中文英文都讲不清.