Prevalence Data
Getting accurate prevalence data in China is difficult given the size of the country (estimated to be 3.7 million square miles) and its vast rural areas. One report in 2001 by the Xinhua News Agency estimated that the number of children with autism was between 400,000 and 500,000.
This rate is about two or three times lower than what would be expected using prevalence estimates from Western nations such as the United States. Using the U.S. rate of 6 in 1,000 (Yeargin-Allsopp et al., 2003), the number of children in China estimated to have an ASD (i.e., both high- and low-functioning autism) would be 1.2 million. No nationwide epidemiological study has
been conducted as yet; however, two studies in provinces in East China reveal quite discrepant results. Data collected in Changzhou indicate that 7 of 3,978 children have autism (W.H. Wang et al., 2002) whereas a study in the province of Anhui showed that 420 of 3,559 children have autism, or 11.8% of the population (Ren & Duan, 2002).作者: sdkshh 时间: 2007-7-18 06:52 标题: re:[COLOR=blue][B] 希望... 希望能引起全中国社会对自闭症的关注!