祝福你们,周末愉快!!!作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-13 17:13 标题: re:二哥二姐:我给你们发电子邮件了,不知... 二哥二姐:
主要是听说GUANYU考虑去瑞读高中,我也想了解一下,是我自己替LW的侄子着急,看看他能否也走这条路。 作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-13 17:24 标题: re:We follow your writi... We follow your writing all the time. We share your happiness of Xin's every progress and the pain that you and Xin suffer.We apreciate your patients to Xin. Nobody else can do it better than you, as Xin's mother.Her situation now is very promissing.Just be patient and put more efforts on her.We all see her progress, and she will be better and better, and catch up the others. That will be the best reward to you. We all care you and Xin very much.
Have a good weekend!!! 作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-13 17:33 标题: re:I got your e-mail to... I got your e-mail to the previous university. Several days ago I sent you a e-mail using my new e-mail address. You can check you e-mail and from now using the new one. About the possiblity of studying here,JX has asked related places and she may talk to you and TJ later about the it.
Best wishes! 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-16 16:03 标题: re:二哥:还没有收到你的新邮件。咨询高中的事... 二哥:还没有收到你的新邮件。咨询高中的事情不着急。Take care.
作者: 小瑜妈妈 时间: 2006-10-16 16:25 标题: re:信才两岁就这么好,以后一定会更好,相信你... 信才两岁就这么好,以后一定会更好,相信你为信信做的一切都会有回报作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-16 16:41 标题: re:Very glad to know th... Very glad to know that Xin has been better and better.The mutual communication is very important for her, and that can be done by playing some intresting games suitable for her age. Let the training to be done in a way that she enjoy it, not by pussing her too much so that she will refuse to accept whatever the information you give her. Anyhow Xin has been in great progress due to your efforts.
JX has been in home last week, and now is on her way to Upsalla and will be back on Friday.Take care Xin and yourself! 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-17 12:26 标题: re:谢谢小瑜妈妈为我们打气。我是一直只记录她... 谢谢小瑜妈妈为我们打气。我是一直只记录她好的方面,近来越来越频繁的小脾气,真是让我们摸不着头脑。作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-17 12:56 标题: re:二哥好!你的话一直在支撑着我,鼓励着我。... 二哥好!你的话一直在支撑着我,鼓励着我。自从十一放假后到新机构,她有了这样一种情况:就是会每天晚上回家会突然进入一个情绪期,可以持续几分钟或者十几分钟。在这段时间里,她决绝你的任何建议,给她换衣服,不换,怎么哄都不换。喝水,不喝,怎么哄都不喝。表情特别烦躁。以前不是这样的。以前可以整晚上都是高高兴兴的我们在一起玩。现在是每天晚上回家的一段时间,每天早上起来,都特别难合作,简直就是不合作。但是又会不知怎的,又突然好了,有说有笑,一切正常。
作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-17 15:01 标题: re:To me it is still a... To me it is still a question whether all the problems are due to delayed education and communication in home or from minor brain damage. If it is more due to delayed education in her early time, all the phenomena expressed by her now should be dealed as normal personalities. Then your education method should not be the same as those for elimautis. To me the so-called "bad behavior" recently on her in the mornings and nights could be completly normal since it could also happen on a completly normal baby. If it is impossible to give her a right diagnose now by expert, you at least may not neccessarily push her too much on those " small items", like drinking, changing and so on, so that both you and she could be in a good mode and easy to communicate.Give her more time to adapt to the new environment, even for adult it is not so easy. Also the communication between you and Xin should go in a way of more "naturly", to follow her willingness, not yours. I am not sure what I said, but you could think about it.
Best wishes!
JG 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-18 16:50 标题: re:二哥:看到你说的naturely,的确让... 二哥:看到你说的naturely,的确让我开始重新梳理一下思路。
昨晚上回家是十天以来最早的一天:六点五十。没大干涉信的活动,任她自己,爱干什么就干什么。我跟随着她玩,而不是我领着她玩。一晚上没有那种烦躁。信最近的舞蹈动作很笑人,由以前的高频、小幅摆动,变成了现在的低频、大幅摆动。遗憾的是没有摄像机,那可爱之极的一举一动只能深深地刻在我们的脑海里了。 作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-18 18:32 标题: re:Very glad to hear th... Very glad to hear that you follow her, not lead by you, or disturb her. Of course to follow her is not just "follow" or "passive", it is an active following, to be involved in her playing or your are part of her games, but you use oral language, body language to communicat with her, and and even without language but you two understand each other, the thought-communication.Whatever,to keep her in a good mode will let the night work with her much easier and education more effective. That is the aim of your playing with her.
Best wishes
JG 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-19 09:22 标题: re:信自己伸出两只小手:“手脏不脏?脏!”... 信自己伸出两只小手:“手脏不脏?脏!”
信一边推我下车,一边说:“自己扭。” 作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-19 14:53 标题: re:I am so so gald for... I am so so gald for the progress of Xin!!! The way that she behaves seems to me that she has not problem, at least not so serious as we thought earlier. Luckily you realized that it is high time to send her to kingdergarden, and you began to help her early. Deal the period of every night of playing with her as the best time of the day, then both you and Xin would enjoy the time. 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-20 12:36 标题: re:二哥:通过我描述的语言情况,可能会使外人... 二哥:通过我描述的语言情况,可能会使外人觉得她的情况不错或者很好。但是,就像现在带信的w老师所说:感觉信的说话方式与别人不一样。怎么不一样呢?图个省事,借用以琳网上别的妈妈描述的困惑,我略作修改,这也是我对信的感觉:
作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-20 15:02 标题: re:Only you have the po... Only you have the possibility to be with her so long and so close to evaluate her situation. I just do not want you to be over-reacted or too sensitive.From your writing sometimes she do has some creative reactions to the specific situation. From that sense she is completely normal.
Whatever now the question is should she stay in the new place or go back to the old one. That depend on whether this new place is helpfull or not, and whether Xin can be even better to stay with those developed-normal children.That need your own judgment, and may need more time to eveluate.
Have a good weekend. JX will be back after lunch. Hello to LW! 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-20 15:09 标题: re:Wish you three a...
Wish you three a nice weekend!作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-23 12:51 标题: re:信从上新幼儿园第二个周的周二晚上开始,在... 信从上新幼儿园第二个周的周二晚上开始,在家的时间里,恢复了以往的愉悦的情绪。
淇淇楠楠妈妈作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-27 14:44 标题: re:The three visiters u... The three visiters up have given very good comments on Xin. These people are very helpful since they have their experience. I believe that Xin is not like to be typical "elimautism". More likely Xin is retarded in language developing. Keep help her and if in the near future she could manage to live with other normal childen, you could think about change place again.
have a good weekend!
JG 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-27 15:55 标题: re:Jslt: 信的睡眠在1岁3个月断奶时是... Jslt: 信的睡眠在1岁3个月断奶时是个分水岭。之前很差。之后很好。好到下午可以睡上三四个小时。晚上照样接着谁。幼儿园老师曾说,她是最容易哄睡的。现在晚上只要到了困的时候了,躺下三分钟入睡。不管是不是自闭症,她都是存在一些差距的。所以就很紧张她。作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-27 15:58 标题: re:Ww爸爸:谢谢。关于云南路那个,我还略知... Ww爸爸:谢谢。关于云南路那个,我还略知道一些。可以发消息联系。作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-27 16:04 标题: re:淇淇楠楠妈妈:你上述讲的对我帮助很大... 淇淇楠楠妈妈:
你也够累的,忙活两个孩子。保重身体。 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-27 16:17 标题: re:二哥:我们想到一块了。开始打探新的合... 二哥:
我们想到一块了。开始打探新的合适的幼儿园了。LW说我太能折腾了。我想只要为了她好,折腾一点又何妨。好在她入了两个新园都没怎么哭(这一点又让我联想到不同寻常,正常孩子入园都哭得稀里哗啦,有的能哭上一个月。可是她就是第一二天瘪瘪嘴,哭声都没出来。)找新园的原则是:离家不要太远,小班,老师能照顾过来,伙食好点,有班车,按月交费和按年交费价格差别不大,如能赶上以琳的排名可以灵活安排。 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-10-30 17:17 标题: re:周日看了一家幼儿园。今天又一口气看了四家... 周日看了一家幼儿园。今天又一口气看了四家幼儿园。有公立的,有私立的。又要考虑离家的远近,又要考虑硬件软件,还有几个老师几个孩子的配比,活动空间,教师构成,有些因素并不是一下子能观察到的,可是需要在一两天内作决定,选中一家交上一年的费用,真是很犹豫(条件好一些的都是私立,交一年的费用折扣大),是否在过年前后去以琳(可能排到)?如果现在已经在其他幼儿园交上一年的费用的话,到时比较难以抽身。
近日,信能够不重复问话,与我进行这样的对答了。想想9月底考察这个新机构的时候,我跟园长说,如果信在半年之内能就那两个最简单的问题学会正确回答而不是重复问话,我就很满足了。从10月9日正式上新机构,到现在,短短不过二十天的时间,是信自身自然的发展原因?还是机构教学有方原因?尽管不得而知,但是我们很感谢、感怀。 作者: JG 时间: 2006-10-31 17:28 标题: re:It's a big step! Ver... It's a big step! Very glad to know the progress on Xin.
JG 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-11-2 09:02 标题: re:信于今早返回她八月底去的那个幼儿园了。八... 信于今早返回她八月底去的那个幼儿园了。八九个孩子一个班级,两个老师,一个保育员。保育员是以前专门带信的,对信的情况很熟悉,双方也很有感情。
作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-2 17:14 标题: re:Hi, MJWe have book... Hi, MJ
We have booked tickets to China on Dec 12 and back to Sweden on Janu.12. We will stay in Beijing for a couple of days and then go to Jinan or Taishan for one or two days. Hope we could have the time to visit you and meet Xin in Qingdao. We would like to let Hang see more places in China.
作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-6 16:29 标题: re:Are you going to vis... Are you going to visit Yantai during the New Year holidays? If so we could meet you in Yantai during that period.
Changing place could be even better in education for Xin.You could see the reactions of her to the new place. 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-11-7 08:57 标题: re:杯子里盛了奶,锻炼信自己手拿杯子喝奶。... 杯子里盛了奶,锻炼信自己手拿杯子喝奶。
信信:(不耐烦)杯子上面有奶!(说完扭头就走了) 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-11-7 09:07 标题: re:今早送信坐幼儿园的班车。老师说:哎... 今早送信坐幼儿园的班车。
两个月前信刚入园,园长就说,信的乐感好,我还没理会。现在真感觉到了! 作者: 雨凝 时间: 2006-11-8 14:25 标题: re:信妈,我觉得过一阵子你可以让信信学琴(好... 信妈,我觉得过一阵子你可以让信信学琴(好像学琴很有好处),可以锻炼左右手协调能力和大脑的配合,而且也能锻炼孩子的耐性。作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-8 15:43 标题: re:The suggestion of up... The suggestion of upstair could be a good idea. Maybe she could try keyboard first. It's easy to learn. 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-11-9 10:28 标题: re:雨凝:这两天正讨论学什么琴好呢,钢琴还是... 雨凝:这两天正讨论学什么琴好呢,钢琴还是小提琴,有人倾向学钢琴,说不管怎么着钢琴是两只手和脑的协调;信爸倾向学小提琴,他的理由是小提琴携带方便,可能希望将来信可以带着琴盒子到处表现。
今天凌晨,她翻身,嘟囔了几遍:“唱得真好听。”又睡去了。作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-9 15:34 标题: re:I am noline now, and... I am noline now, and I could see you are online too. It's better not to leave our E-mail here. I could send you a e-mail now and tell you our Email address.
best 作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-9 15:37 标题: re:I have just sent you... I have just sent you an e-mail of our e-mail address. check it and see whether you got it. 作者: 信信 时间: 2006-11-9 15:43 标题: re:没有收到。可以利用这里的“发消息”功能。... 没有收到。可以利用这里的“发消息”功能。 就是点击一下年月日时间后面的第二个图形。作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-9 15:48 标题: re:violin is too diffic... violin is too difficult for a 2 year-old bybe, isn't it? You maybe leave the chance later. Piano is very expensive, and if she do not like it later, then wast too much. The keyboard is much cheaper, and if she still like it when she is 4 or 5,then you could buy a piano or voilin. 作者: JG 时间: 2006-11-9 16:11 标题: re:could not find the p... could not find the place to "send news".作者: 雨凝 时间: 2006-11-9 21:37 标题: re:信妈,我说的学琴指的键盘乐器,可能就是“... 信妈,我说的学琴指的键盘乐器,可能就是“keyboard”,因为钢琴需要力量太大,孩子小,有困难,电子琴比较适合。我觉得信信真棒,比我们强多了,我们现在最头疼的是大小便问题,真觉得没辙了。作者: 信信 时间: 2006-11-10 17:06 标题: re:雨凝不要着急。咱们都一起,一步一步来吧。... 雨凝不要着急。咱们都一起,一步一步来吧。