作者: 倪端 时间: 2002-8-22 00:54 标题: Re:关于经香港高杨扬医务所由DDI测头发问题 Dr. bernard Rimland ,( famous ) from Autism research institute of America sent me a fax and told me that Unless the marcury is dislodged by the chemical interventions such as DMSA and alphalipoic acid , the hair and blood analysis will not be very useful!( 需先吃药将汞 出来,才能有效Che(test) 发汞和血汞 .I also have contacted with America parents with autistic children, They also think that the metal intoxication is the main reason for autism,I have got from one America parents'note from an autism conference in 2000 in America, many doctors have participated in this conference including Dr. Holmes whom 宁刚 has mentioned .Her son is also autistic .If some parents who can understand English and have interested in the notes from this conference ,I can send the documents to you also . ( 抱歉用 English)
作者: 倪端 时间: 2002-8-22 22:14 标题: Re:关于经香港高杨扬医务所由DDI测头发问题 I have sent the materials to all the people who require the materials here, but one e-mail was returned back, the E-mail addresss is as following: wxfd199@21cn.com .
Please tell me the correct E-mail address ,so that I can send it to you once more! thanks !
郑永平作者: JRD 时间: 2002-10-31 23:33
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: Hannah 时间: 2002-11-6 05:47 标题: Re:关于经香港高杨扬医务所由DDI测头发问题 Could you mail me a copy of this document?thanks!
<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - jvc 重新编辑於 2002/11/06 06:42:16</font>作者: xwm96 时间: 2002-11-7 11:39 标题: Re:关于经香港高杨扬医务所由DDI测头发问题 我于1999年11月将宝宝及我自己的头发通过高医生寄到DOCTOR‘S DATA INC.(DDI)检测。结果显示:
宝宝:超标重金属按严重程度依次为铅、镉、锑、砷、钛、银、汞,根据COUNTING RULE,NO IMPAIRED MINERAL TRANSPORT(矿物质传输未受损?〕,以后及以前的DDI 头发检测结果基本一致。ANDY CUTLER说宝宝的汞不是太高,铅、砷问题更大。可分别用DMSA和ALA,或一起用。铅、砷中毒不会引起IMPAIRED MINERAL TRANSPORT,只有汞中毒才会。
我本人:汞较高,砷也超标。查一点就符合IMPAIRED MINERAL TRANSPORT的条件。缺少很多矿物质。